Rum Balls - A No Bake recipe for Easy Entertaining (2024)

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ByMarcellina Published on Last updated

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This Rum Balls recipe is a great no bake treat that is quick to make and perfect for a crowd.

This recipe is not only excellent for the holidays and gift giving but a year round, easy treat.

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Rum Balls - A No Bake recipe for Easy Entertaining (1)

I make this Rum Ballsrecipe for mostof our celebrations and definitely at Christmas. It’s a classic Australian recipe that is easy to make, can be prepared in advanced, can be frozen for longer storage and delightful to eat!

Like my Snowflake Cookies, Chocolate Covered Pecans and Crostoli, these boozy chocolate rum balls are always popular when I’m entertaining. Because of this, I usually like to make a double batch.

For complete ingredient quantities and full instructions, please scroll to the printable recipe card bottom of the page.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Ingredients
  • 2 Instructions
  • 3 Tips for success
  • 4 Variations
  • 5 FAQ’S
  • 6 Serving suggestions
  • 7 More recipes you will love
  • 8 Chocolate Rum Balls
  • 9 Variations


Rum Balls - A No Bake recipe for Easy Entertaining (2)
  • crushed plain sweet biscuits or cookies – I use Arnott’s Nice biscuits or try shortbread cookies – don’t use biscuits/cookies sandwiched together with cream filling
  • sweetened condensed milk – avoid skim because it’s not as thick
  • unsweetened coconut – desiccated is used in the mixture but I like to roll in shredded coconut – your choice
  • instant dry milk powder – this ingredient is not in all recipes but adds extra creaminess to the final product
  • dark rum – provided the necessary kick
  • unsweetened cocoa – for deep chocolate balls


Rum Balls - A No Bake recipe for Easy Entertaining (3)

This recipe could not be more simple.

  1. mix together all ingredients and refrigerate for one hour until firm
  2. roll heaped teaspoonfuls of mixture and coat in shredded coconut

Tips for success

This traditional holiday recipes is almost fail proof. However there are a few tips for guaranteed success.

  • crush the biscuits/cookies finely
  • mix thoroughly so that all ingredients are well combined
  • it is essential to allow the mixture to set for one hour
  • coat balls immediately otherwise the outside of the ball will dry and the coconut won’t stick


While this is a traditional rum balls recipe, there are many variations to make this recipe your own. Here’s a few ideas.

  • add 1/2 teaspoon of peppermint oil or extract
  • mix in the finely grated zest of one orange
  • soak 1/2 cup of chopped raisins in the rum then add the whole lot to the recipe
  • use ginger flavoured biscuits/cookies
  • try bourbon, whiskey or even Bailey’s Irish Cream instead of rum

When it comes to coating the balls, the limit is just your imaginations. Try these ideas.

  • crushed or finely chopped nuts eg pecans, walnuts, almonds
  • chocolate or colored sprinkles
  • drinking chocolate or unsweetened cocoa powder
  • dip in melted chocolate – white, milk or dark
Rum Balls - A No Bake recipe for Easy Entertaining (4)


How to store?

Store the Rum Balls in the refrigerator.

Can this recipe be frozen?

Yes, freeze in an airtight container for up to two months. Allow to defrost in the refrigerator overnight before serving. Leftovers can be refrigerated.

How do I crush the biscuits/cookies without a food processor?

Place the biscuits/cookies in a sturdy zip lock bag, expelling all the air and use the bottom of a glass bottle or mug to pound until finely crushed.

Will the alcohol evaporate?

No, this is a no bake recipe so the alcohol will remain.

Can I make this alcohol free?

Sure! Substituted apple juice for rum. Or orange juice combined with orange zest would be a great alternative.

What can I substitute for the instant milk powder?

There is no substituted but if you’d rather not use it, reduce the rum to 1/4 cup and proceed with the recipe.

Serving suggestions

Serve cold from the refrigerator at any gathering of family and friends. They’ll be gone in a flash!

For gift giving, fill cellophane bags with balls and tie with festive ribbon. Or pack into a glass or mug before wrapping the whole thing in cellophane and ribbon.

More recipes you will love

Panforte with Figs and Nuts
Chocolate Salami
Gingerbread Cookies (Gluten free) from Plant Based Folk
Snow Globe Cupcakes from Mad Creations Hub
Coconut Eggnog from Recipe Library

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Rum Balls - A No Bake recipe for Easy Entertaining (5)

Chocolate Rum Balls

This chocolate Rum Balls recipe is a no bake treat that is quick to make and perfect for a crowd. This recipe is not only excellent for the holidays and gift giving but a year round, easy treat.

5 from 59 votes

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Prep Time: 20 minutes minutes

Cook Time: 0 minutes minutes

Setting time: 1 hour hour

Total Time: 1 hour hour 20 minutes minutes

Servings:50 rum balls

Author: Marcellina


  • 1⅓ cups (395grams/14oz) sweetened condensed milk
  • cups (250grams/8oz) crushed plain sweet biscuits/cookies
  • ½ cup unsweetened desiccated coconut
  • ½ cup dry milk powder
  • cup dark rum
  • ¼ cup unsweetened cocoa
  • 1 cup unsweetened desiccated or shredded coconut for coating


  • Combine all ingredients well.

  • Refrigerate for one hour or until firm.

  • Take rounded teaspoons of the mixture. Form into balls and roll in shredded coconut.

  • Refrigerate until completely set. Store in the refrigerator.



While this is a traditional recipe, there are many variations to make this recipe your own. Here’s a few ideas.

  • add 1/2 teaspoon of peppermint oil or extract
  • mix in the finely grated zest of one orange
  • soak 1/2 cup of chopped raisins in the rum then add the whole lot to the recipe
  • use ginger flavoured biscuits/cookies
  • try bourbon, whiskey or even Bailey’s Irish Cream instead of rum

When it comes to coating the balls, the limit is just your imaginations. Try these ideas.

  • crushed or finely chopped nuts eg pecans, walnuts, almonds
  • chocolate or colored sprinkles
  • drinking chocolate or unsweetened cocoa powder
  • dip in melted chocolate – white, milk or dark


How to store?

Store the Rum Balls in the refrigerator.

How long will these keep?

These should keep for at least two weeks but I find they will last even longer than that.

Can this recipe be frozen?

Yes, freeze in an airtight container for up to two months. Allow to defrost in the refrigerator overnight before serving. Leftovers can be refrigerated.

How do I crush the biscuits/cookies without a food processor?

Place the biscuits/cookies in a sturdy zip lock bag, expelling all the air and use the bottom of a glass bottle or mug to pound until finely crushed.

Will the alcohol evaporate?

No, this is a no bake recipe so the alcohol will remain.

Can I make this alcohol free?

Sure! Substituted apple juice for rum. Or orange juice combined with orange zest would be a great alternative.

What can I substitute for the instant milk powder?

There is no substituted but if you’d rather not use it, reduce the rum to 1/4 cup and proceed with the recipe.

Tried this recipe? Give it a star rating and leave a comment below!

Nutritional Estimate Per Serving

Calories: 78kcal | Carbohydrates: 9g | Protein: 2g | Fat: 4g | Saturated Fat: 2g | Cholesterol: 4mg | Sodium: 45mg | Potassium: 80mg | Fiber: 1g | Sugar: 6g | Vitamin A: 54IU | Vitamin C: 1mg | Calcium: 42mg | Iron: 1mg

Nutritional Disclaimer

Nutritional information is an estimate provided by an online nutrition calculator. For accurate results, it is recommended that the nutritional information be calculated based on the ingredients and brands you use.

Rum Balls - A No Bake recipe for Easy Entertaining (2024)


Can you get tipsy from rum balls? ›

Can rum balls make you drunk? This is a no bake recipe, which means any alcohol we use in the process won't be cooked away or made less effective. However, we're not using that much of it, so getting drunk isn't something to worry about! After all, there's only ¼ cup of rum divided among 24 individual bites.

What is a substitute for Nilla wafers in rum balls? ›

While vanilla wafers are my favorite for their subtle sweetness and vanilla notes, graham crackers, butter cookies, digestive biscuits, or shortbread cookies are all excellent substitutes. For a gluten-free version, opt for gluten-free cookies.

How to thicken rum balls? ›

Add more cocoa powder or ground almonds if the mixture needs thickening. Roll and coat: Bakery rum balls tend to be monstrously huge; I prefer to make them bite-sized at home.

Does the alcohol evaporate from rum balls? ›

Does the alcohol evaporate in rum balls? No. They are not baked, so all the alcohol that goes into the mixture of this rum balls recipe will stay there! Get all professional tips you need whether you want to bake thick, thin, chewy or crunchy cookies!

Can I give rum cake to kids? ›

Anytime you cook with alcohol, it should cook out. And you're left with the flavor, not the alcoholic content. Wild, Just wanted you to know that the rum in the cakes are safe to eat for the younger ones. The rum is cooked out during the baking process.

Does rum hit harder than vodka? ›

Rum does not get you more drunk than vodka. It's the amount of alcohol you consume in a given period of time, not the spirit per se that determines how drunk you get. For example a shot of vodka or rum (1.5 oz) will obviously enter the bloodstream faster than a co*cktail sipped slowly.

Can you use graham crackers instead of vanilla wafers? ›

I haven't had banana pudding in years, and as I recall, it was always with vanilla wafers. The graham crackers worked equally well as a replacement. I'd never used Dream Whip before, but it certainly thickened the pudding nicely.

What is another name for rum balls? ›

What is this? My kid-friendly rum balls are also known as chocolate coconut balls or 'donkey drops' - because of their resemblance to... well... you know what! They're the perfect recipe for getting the kids in the kitchen - you can see how easy it is for my Mr 4 to make them in the video below!

What can I use in place of vanilla wafers in a recipe? ›

  1. If you're using them as a cookie any small sugar or butter cookie will suffice.
  2. OR - Replace vanilla (Nilla) wafers with shortbread cookies.
  3. OR - For making a pie or dessert crust you can substitute graham cracker crumbs.
  4. OR - Chocolate wafers, crushed make a good pie crust.
Mar 3, 2022

Why are my rum balls dry? ›

If the mixture seems too dry, add an additional small amount of melted butter or more rum. Form small balls about the size of a walnut.

How to stop rum balls from going flat? ›

Store your rum balls in an airtight container in the fridge to prevent the rum from evaporating and to ensure they keep their shape.

How long can you keep rum balls in the fridge? ›

Store the Rum Balls in the refrigerator. How long will these keep? These should keep for at least two weeks but I find they will last even longer than that.

Will Rum Cake make you drunk? ›

An average rum cake has around 1/2 cup rum to bake the cake and eating two to three pieces of dry rum cake is too less to get you drunk. However, if you soak the cake in rum after baking and serve it after refrigeration, then eating too much cake can get you a little intoxicated.

What to replace rum with in rum balls? ›

What can you use instead of rum in rum balls? Of course, a traditional rum ball contains rum, but you can use other types of alcohol, including Baileys or a coffee-flavoured liqueur, for example to flavour the truffles. For a non-alcoholic substitute, you could try using fruit juice (orange works well) instead of rum.

Can toddler eat food cooked with wine? ›

The choice is up to you. You may choose to use cooking methods that help to reduce the alcohol content and use less alcohol in a dish to make it safer for your child. Otherwise the safer option is to choose to leave out alcoholic drinks when preparing food for babies and children.

Can rum cake make you tipsy? ›

An average rum cake has around 1/2 cup rum to bake the cake and eating two to three pieces of dry rum cake is too less to get you drunk. However, if you soak the cake in rum after baking and serve it after refrigeration, then eating too much cake can get you a little intoxicated.

Can liquor chocolates get you tipsy? ›

Overall, getting drunk on chocolate bursting with booze is theoretically possible, especially when you crunch the numbers. But with the amount of chocolate you'd have to eat, a hangover might be the least of your worries.

Can rum co*cktail get you drunk? ›

How many shots does it take to get drunk off rum? Pretty much the same as for vodka, scotch, gin, etc. It depends on your body mass, if your stomach is empty, how experienced a drinker you are, etc.. Generally one shot will make you some amount of tipsy, two shots some amount of drunk.

How does rum make you feel? ›

If you're feeling wound up, and tired of your own worries, rum is the way to make that all go away. It will make you feel carefree, appearing nonchalant to everyone around you. Interestingly, rum is one of the oldest spirits in the world, originating in the Caribbean.


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Author: Horacio Brakus JD

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Name: Horacio Brakus JD

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Introduction: My name is Horacio Brakus JD, I am a lively, splendid, jolly, vivacious, vast, cheerful, agreeable person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.