Early Access — Dinar Recaps (2024)

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Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,


"The proposal aims toenhance BRICS countries’ financial sovereignty by establishing a resilient and sanctions-resistant payment infrastructure.Discussions include integrating financial markets, payments in national currencies, and new mechanisms for mutual financial settlements."

"Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko revealed in an interview with TASS this week. He noted Tehran’ssuggestion to integrate the payment systems of BRICS countries, similar to the integration of Russia’s Mir and Iran’s Shetab electronic banking and automated payment systems."

"Rudenko emphasized that establishing a clearance and payment infrastructure independent and resilient to sanctions would significantly enhance the financial sovereignty of BRICS.However, Iran’s initiative remains under discussion, and it is premature to define any final parameters, the Russian diplomat clarified."

Good Morning Dinar Recaps,


"The proposal aims toenhance BRICS countries’ financial sovereignty by establishing a resilient and sanctions-resistant payment infrastructure.Discussions include integrating financial markets, payments in national currencies, and new mechanisms for mutual financial settlements."

"Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Andrey Rudenko revealed in an interview with TASS this week. He noted Tehran’ssuggestion to integrate the payment systems of BRICS countries, similar to the integration of Russia’s Mir and Iran’s Shetab electronic banking and automated payment systems."

"Rudenko emphasized that establishing a clearance and payment infrastructure independent and resilient to sanctions would significantly enhance the financial sovereignty of BRICS.However, Iran’s initiative remains under discussion, and it is premature to define any final parameters, the Russian diplomat clarified."

"This integration seeks to facilitate trade using national currencies, thereby reducing reliance on the U.S. dollar and countering U.S. sanctions. A monetary contract signed on July 6allows the use of local currencies in trade, enhancing financial cooperation, economic resilience, and reducing dependence on Western financial systems."

@ Newshounds News™

Read more:Bitcoin News


Donald Trump 2024 Bitcoin Conference Speech Recap:

• On day one I will fire Gary Gensler and appoint a new SEC chairman.

• Create a US Government strategic national Bitcoin stockpile if elected.

• US Government will keep 100% of Bitcoin it owns

• Bitcoin is going to the moon.

• Never sell your Bitcoin

• Bitcoin will one day probably surpass the market cap of Gold.

• I reaffirm my pledge to commute Ross Ulbricht's sentence.

• There will never be a CBDC while I am President of the United States.

• Bitcoin and crypto will skyrocket like never before if elected president.

• Bitcoin is not threatening the dollar, the current U.S. government is threatening the dollar.

• The United States will be the crypto capital of the planet and the Bitcoin superpower of the world.

• Bitcoin stands for freedom, sovereignty, and independence from government coercion and control.

• I pledge to the Bitcoin community that the day I take oath of Office, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris' anti-crypto crusade will be over.

@ Newshounds News™

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Watcher Guru


BRICS Poised to Dominate World Bank and IMF

"The World Bank Executive Director for Russia forecasts thatBRICS nations will soon dominate the World Bank and the International Monetary Fund (IMF), attributing this shift to inevitable macroeconomic and demographic changes away from Western dominance. He emphasized the importance of working patiently toward this goal and resisting provocations from those upholding the old global system."

"BRICS, an acronym for Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa, represents a coalition of major emerging economies. Earlier this year, the group expanded to include Argentina, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iran, Saudi Arabia, and the United Arab Emirates (UAE), broadening its geopolitical and economic influence."

"The World Bank Executive Director concluded by stressing the importance of Russia’s involvement in this shift. “Russia’s voice is important here, and it would be irrational not to use those possibilities, particularly now as we observe a new world order emerging,” he stated,underscoring the necessity of adapting to the evolving global landscape."

@ Newshounds News™

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Bitcoin News


United States Senator Roger Marshall has overturned his support for the Digital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act (DAAMLA) Bill, a legislation introduced by Democratic Party Elizabeth Warren.

"Marshall’s move to back down from the bill indicates the growing concerns about the possible overreach of regulatory actions regarding the emerging crypto market."

"The Digital Asset Anti-Money Laundering Act (DAAMLA) Bill was first introduced in December 2022 by Elizabeth Warren and co-sponsor by Roger Marshall and later reintroduced into the Senate in July 2023 to target unlawful use of crypto assets.

At the time, Warren maintained that large amounts of illegal funds were being laundered by rogue nations, oligarchs, drug lords, and human traffickers through the use of digital currencies such as Bitcoin, prompting her to move toward introducing the bill.

The legislation aimed to incorporate the cryptocurrency sector into the current frameworks for counterterrorism financing and anti-money laundering (AML)."

"Since its introduction, the law has received criticism from major figures and institutions in the industry."

"This positive development comes a few months following the Blockchain Association, a trade group representing the crypto industry in Washington D.C., efforts to debunk the DAAMLA bill.Specifically, the Blockchain Association sent out a letter in February, which marks the second time, to the House Financial Services Committee and Senate Banking Committee expressing serious concerns about the measure."

"About 80 US military, national security, and intelligence officers signed the letter.According to the Association, the law jeopardizes the strategic advantage of the US, threatening tens of thousands of employment while having minimal impact on illegal actors it targets."

@ Newshounds News™

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Note From Dinar Recaps:

To our newest readers,

If you are new to the Dinar and Currency investment and wish to educate yourself further please go to Dinarrecaps .com . At the top of our blog page click on the categories button and go to The Dinar Recaps Archives or Post RV Categories for all our past posts on history of past RV’s, Exchange tips, Security and other valuable information.

We hope all of our dreams come true very soon.

Your Dinar Recaps Team

Note From Dinar Recaps:

To our newest readers,

If you are new to the Dinar and Currency investment and wish to educate yourself further please go to Dinarrecaps .com . At the top of our blog page click on the categories button and go to The Dinar Recaps Archives or Post RV Categories for all our past posts on history of past RV’s, Exchange tips, Security and other valuable information.

We hope all of our dreams come true very soon.

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Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sun. 28 July 2024

Compiled Sun. 28 July 2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy Byington

Global Currency Reset: (Rumors/Opinions)

Sat. 27 July 2024 Wolverine: Everything is coming this coming week. Please brace yourself and thank God for everything. I’ll be leaving in a few days and you will not hear from me anymore. God bless you all. Thurs. 25 July 2024 Wolverine: “The gates are opened! Certain platforms have been released, at least 4 to 5 of them in Brazil. Venezuela has released their own. Next week a huge platform will be released as well. Also hearing Asia to be released, now with liquid funds. Precatorious are pure liquid now and is releasing funds to the members. Bondholders are getting paid, and more people are getting notified.”

Sat. 27 July 2024 Mike Bara: The word I have is that Thursday night 25 July 2024, the US Treasury told Iraq that if they didn’t revalue their currency per the agreements “immediately,” UST would force the issue. Iraq responded that they were holding up because of concerns about some smaller banks that they suspected were doing business with the Iranians. They are determined that no RV funds make their way to Iran, because the two countries are historic enemies. UST responded by seizing the 5 banks, consolidating them into a single, manageable entity, and pushing the RV through. Today, Sat. 27 July 2024 the Central Bank of Iraq made the announcement regarding this transaction. As far as I know, this is the last hurdle to the revaluation.

Fri. 26 July 2024: Six planes loaded with owners of Trust Accounts took off from Washington DC on Thurs. headed to Reno Nevada. Another Trust Account Holder flew into Reno from Zurich.

Thurs. 25 July 2024 Ginger’s Liberty Lounge: “A dear friend who is connected with plans in Zurich was just informed that they acquired a new Paymaster and to watch for their invitation email (for their group) later today.”

On Tues. 23 July 2024 the Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America was funded.

Fri. 26 July BRICS Officially Announces New Financial System: https://watcher.guru/news/brics-officially-announces-financial-system-similar-to-swift

Fri. 26 July 2024: BOOOM!!! The Revolution is Here: GCR – GESARA – QFS Intel! No More Corrupt System – The Great Reset: GESARA vs. the New World Order! – amg-news.com – American Media Group

Vladimir Putin praises digital ruble, calls for CBDC’s widespread use in Russia. https://www.newstarget.com/2024-07-26-vladimir-putin-praise-digital-ruble-widespread-use.html


Global Financial Crisis:

ALERT: The Federal Reserve has been hacked and over 33TB of Data is now missing.

Sat. 27 July 2024: US Federal Reserve Hits $1 Trillion Dollars in Unrealized Losses. US national debt interest payments will surpass $1.14 trillion this year. That would constitute more than 76% of all collected income tax. The increasing and unsustainable debt concerns only depreciate confidence in the US dollar. Moreover, it creates higher rates of inflation and erosion in the currency. Altogether, the ongoing debt issue only erodes the greenback if left unchecked. Where that becomes an even greater issue is when you factor in the opposition that the dollar is facing. When the private company that prints every fiat dollar in the world hits this level of losses, it should tell you a lot about where we are in the takedown operation. November’s presidential election must see the beginning of a change.

Sat. 27 July 2024 Ziad Al Hashimi Iraq: US Federal Reserve to permanently close five Iraqi banks. There is a preliminary agreement between the US Federal Reserve and the Central Bank of Iraq to merge smaller banks and create a larger banking entity

Read full post here: https://dinarchronicles.com/2024/07/28/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-july-28-2024/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/

Militia Man Iraq's got a massive amount of dollar reserves/foreign reserves. They've increased their gold supply...That suggests they're in good shape. They've got some security and...stability. I think everybody's starting to realize security and stability has been a big focus...It is coming to that stage where we're going to see more resulting in a far bigger way.

Frank26 The HCL is the...mechanism the bad guys in Iraq are using to delay the monetary reform. They used the budget but they got caught on that. They changed the numbers.


Disappointed in IQD Investment Here's What to Do

Edu Matrix: 7-28-2024

Are you disappointed in the Timeframe of the IQD Revalue? We all are, but here's what to do!


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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20


Tishwash: New targeting of the American base on the Iraqi-Syrian border strip

A security source reported today, Saturday, that the American base in the Conoco field in eastern Syria was targeted.

This is the third targeting in three consecutive days. link


Tishwash: New targeting of the American base on the Iraqi-Syrian border strip

A security source reported today, Saturday, that the American base in the Conoco field in eastern Syria was targeted.

This is the third targeting in three consecutive days. link


Tishwash: To reduce the threats of the factions.. Washington sends two bombers to the Middle East

The American magazine "Air and Space Forces", concerned with air forces, revealed today, Saturday (July 27, 2024), that the American forces sent two giant, newly modified B-52 bombers to the Middle East with the aim of "securing" Saudi Arabia and Jordan from "threats from Iraqi factions."

The magazine said in a report translated by "Baghdad Today", "The two modern aircraft that were sent to the Middle East to secure Saudi Arabia and Jordan and test their capabilities as part of a show of force to deter Iran and its arms in the region, took off from an air base in Romania and arrived in Saudi Arabia and Jordan in a flight that lasted thirty-two hours."

"One of the planes suffered a technical malfunction that forced it to remain at one of the American air bases in Qatar, while the other plane returned to the United States alone to make the necessary adjustments after the testing process, which sources within the Pentagon told the Wall Street Journal aimed to demonstrate the capabilities of the United States to its allies in the region, in addition to putting an end to Iranian threats through its arms," ​​she said.

The magazine indicated that "the two planes arrived in the Middle East after Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu's visit to Washington, during which he expressed his concern about the threats posed to Saudi Arabia, Jordan, and some regional countries cooperating with Israel by the Houthis and armed factions in Iraq."

On Friday, newspapers such as the Jerusalem Post published reports confirming that Washington and Tel Aviv are “concerned” about the threats to the countries of the region from the Iraqi factions and the Houthis, explaining that “the threats are an attempt to put pressure on those countries to close the land trade routes that pass through their territories and on which Israel now depends to finance itself during the war,” referring to five countries, including Saudi Arabia and Jordan, that are extending supply lines to Israel through their territories as a result of the naval blockade imposed by the Houthis on ports in Israel. link


Tishwash: Why did Iraqi militias resume operations against Americans?

Pentagon to Asharq Al-Awsat: No injuries or damage in attacks in Iraq and Syria

Since a drone attack in late January killed three American soldiers in a desert area on the Iraqi-Jordanian-Syrian border triangle, and the US responded with extensive strikes against pro-Iranian factions in Iraq and Syria, Iraqi factions have backed off from their attacks.

Some saw the American response at the time as a “deterrent” message aimed at warning Iran against expanding the conflict in the region, against the backdrop of the Israeli war in Gaza. But last Thursday’s attack on two bases housing forces from the international coalition led by Washington, raised questions about the reasons behind the new “harassment” of American forces.

Pressure and embarrassment for Baghdad

The war in Gaza no longer seemed to be the motive behind the attack, while a Pentagon spokesman downplayed its importance and referred the question of whether it was related to the security agreement signed by Iraqi and American officials in Washington this week to the State Department.

The defense official told Asharq Al-Awsat that questions related to political relations between the United States and Iraq and political relations between the United States and Iran are the responsibility of the State Department.

“Regarding the attacks in Syria and Iraq, one rocket was fired at a military support site in the Euphrates region of Syria. The rocket did not impact the base and no injuries or damage were reported. In Iraq, two rockets were fired at Al Asad Air Base in Iraq. They did not impact the base and no injuries or damage were reported to US or coalition forces,” the official added.

Thursday's attack came after a security meeting held in Washington to discuss the future of the international coalition forces against ISIS in Iraq, while Iranian-backed armed factions are demanding the withdrawal of these forces.

The US Department of Defense said last Wednesday that the talks "reached an agreement on the concept of a new phase in the bilateral security relationship."

An Iraqi security official suggested that the attack was intended to “embarrass” the Iraqi government and “pressure” for the departure of the international anti-extremist coalition forces, a demand repeated by the pro-Iran factions.

Messages with regional and nuclear dimensions

Some believe that the attacks are “Iranian messages with regional dimensions,” including the stalled nuclear negotiations file, but why were they renewed at this time, while Iran has not yet arranged its files with its new president and America is preoccupied with its elections?

“Deterrence is never permanent,” said Behnam Ben Taleblu, an Iran researcher at the Foundation for Defense of Democracies in Washington, a Republican-friendly think tank. Speaking to Asharq Al-Awsat, he added that the halt in attacks by Iranian-backed Shiite militias on American sites in the region came after an “impressive” use of force by the Biden administration in late January after three American soldiers were killed.

But since then, the militias have tested the waters at least three times with missile and drone attacks. The more these attacks are understood, the more they have grown in scope and scale.

“Despite seeing the link between the nuclear and regional challenges that this poses, Tehran is trying to persuade Washington and Europe to separate the files,” Ben Taleblu adds. “To this end, the presidency of Masoud Pezeshkian will be designed to lure the West into a futile nuclear diplomacy, while the increase in Iranian-backed regional attacks will create the impression that there is no end in sight to the cycle of violence in the region other than appeasing Iran.” link


Tishwash: Iraq's billionaire surge, rampant corruption amid economic challenges

The number of billionaires in Iraq rivals that of nine other countries combined, a stark reflection of the deeply rooted corruption within the state.

Corruption has plagued Iraq, exacerbated by the misuse of its budget, which official statements claim has led to the loss of $250 billion over the past 17 years. However, economists argue the actual figure could be nearly double.

The number of billionaires in Iraq rivals that of nine other countries combined, a stark reflection of the deeply rooted corruption within the state.

The Commission of Integrity (COI) is set to reveal the amount of money recovered and the measures taken to prevent further financial waste.

Many Iraqis are calling for transparency regarding governmental agreements, imports, and expenditures. On June 3, 2024, the Council of Representatives approved the amended Federal General Budget Law No. 2024, which allocates approximately 211.9 trillion dinars, a 7% increase from the previous year's budget.

Former Iraqi Finance Minister Ali Allawi previously stated that out of the over $1 trillion budget from 2003 to 2020, more than $250 billion was lost due to administrative corruption. Economists, however, estimate the loss to be between $400-450 billion, nearly 40% of Iraq's total budget. This squandered amount could have funded significant infrastructure projects, such as building 400,000 modern schools or 20,000 hospitals.

Experts cite fake and overpriced contracts, corrupt officials, mismanaged investment projects, and poor economic planning as major contributors to the financial drain. Since 2003, Iraq's workforce has grown from 850,000 to over 4.5 million, yet efficiency in public service sectors remains low, with only about 30% of the budget effectively utilized.

According to Haider Hanoun, head of the COI, Iraq ranks 154th out of 180 countries on the global corruption index. Hanoun admits that enormous sums have been stolen and transferred to international banks, with some funds even financing terrorism. The COI's 2023 report indicates that over 391 billion Iraqi dinars and $500,000 have been recovered, with an additional 82 billion dinars and $5 million prevented from being wasted.

Iraq’s Poverty Levels

The Strategic Center for Human Rights in Iraq reports that over 10 million Iraqis live below the poverty line, with the 2024 budget failing to support more than one million needy families.

The ongoing economic crisis and the appreciation of the dollar have driven up commodity prices, exacerbating poverty. Southern provinces are particularly affected, with Muthanna Governorate experiencing a 52% poverty rate, followed by al-Diwaniyah, Maysan, and Dhi Qar at 48%. Baghdad and Nineveh have poverty rates of 13% and 34.5%, respectively, while central provinces average an 18% poverty rate.

On July 21, 2023, Labor and Social Affairs Minister Ahmad al-Assad announced government measures to combat poverty, noting that Iraq has fallen 20 places in international rankings.

The economic challenges and rampant corruption in Iraq continue to hinder the country's development and exacerbate poverty. The COI's efforts to recover stolen funds and prevent further financial mismanagement are critical steps toward rebuilding trust and ensuring a more equitable distribution of wealth. link


Mot: ............ they Say -- before July Ends!!!

Early Access — Dinar Recaps (2)

Mot: . Love ""Logic"" - Don't YOu!!!!

Early Access — Dinar Recaps (3)

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Political Parties Control The Sale Of The Dollar.. A New Threat To The Stability Of The National Economy

Posted On2024-07-27 By Sotaliraq Recently, there have been reports that political parties are controlling the sale of dollars in the financial markets.

This news has raised widespread concern among citizens and investors, as it is feared that this control will lead to manipulation of exchange rates and the creation of a black market that will negatively affect the national economy.

These developments come amid volatile economic conditions and a turbulent political landscape, which increases the challenges facing the government in maintaining currency stability and providing a secure economic environment.

Economic expert, Diaa Al-Mohsen, says, “The dollar exchange rate on the black market will not rise to more than 1,500 dinars,” accusing “political parties of controlling the sale of the dollar, as well as colluding with the monetary authority.”

He added, “Restricting the sale of dollars to travelers to certain exchange companies confirms that these companies are owned by large political blocs that benefit from the process of buying and selling dollars, and they are intended to obtain the largest share of foreign currency sales.”

Political Parties Control The Sale Of The Dollar.. A New Threat To The Stability Of The National Economy

Posted On2024-07-27 By Sotaliraq Recently, there have been reports that political parties are controlling the sale of dollars in the financial markets.

This news has raised widespread concern among citizens and investors, as it is feared that this control will lead to manipulation of exchange rates and the creation of a black market that will negatively affect the national economy.

These developments come amid volatile economic conditions and a turbulent political landscape, which increases the challenges facing the government in maintaining currency stability and providing a secure economic environment.

Economic expert, Diaa Al-Mohsen, says, “The dollar exchange rate on the black market will not rise to more than 1,500 dinars,” accusing “political parties of controlling the sale of the dollar, as well as colluding with the monetary authority.”

He added, “Restricting the sale of dollars to travelers to certain exchange companies confirms that these companies are owned by large political blocs that benefit from the process of buying and selling dollars, and they are intended to obtain the largest share of foreign currency sales.”

He explains that “the Central Bank and the executive authority are fully aware of the political parties that control the dollar sales operations in the country, after they were restricted to certain companies.”

Al-Mohsen continues, “The dollar exchange rate will not reach high levels, especially since there is cooperation between the monetary authority and those who sell dollars on the black market, such that this cooperation ensures that the parallel exchange rate does not rise to more than 1,500 dinars per dollar.”

For his part, the official spokesman for the currency market in Sulaymaniyah, Jabbar Kuran, revealed the reasons for the rise in the exchange rate of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar in the parallel market.

Jabbar Kuran says, “The issue of the rise in the exchange rate of the dollar against the Iraqi dinar is related to the financial measures taken by the Central Bank of Iraq.”

“The Central Bank of Iraq took some good measures in the past, but the increase that has occurred now is due to other measures that the Central Bank has not taken yet, including that the bank decided that foreign dealings are not limited to the US dollar only,

but this measure has not been taken yet, as well as not linking all banks to the electronic platform and stopping work on it with the exception of only seven banks, which do not accommodate the foreign trade exchange process that reaches about 50 billion dollars annually, and I do not expect those seven banks to accommodate this volume of trade exchange.”

He added, "One of the other reasons that led to the rise in the exchange rate of the dollar against the dinar is the reduction in cash injections by the Central Bank of Iraq, except for this day."

He explains, “The demand for the dollar these days is abnormal, and I do not expect that opening the dollar exchange window for travelers at airports will be a reason for the dollar exchange rate to rise, even though now is the travel season.”

He states that “the large number of exchange offices and companies in Iraq and Kurdistan and the inability of the Central Bank of Iraq to meet their needs for the US dollar, as there are about 1,200 exchange companies in Iraq, and about 2,500 companies in Kurdistan, so far, have not merged with each other to reach about 400 actual companies, so all of these companies and offices need more than 50 million dollars daily.”

Kuran confirms that “the rise of the dollar this time is not linked to a political or economic crisis or external factors, but rather is linked to the measures of the Central Bank of Iraq, and it is possible that the bank will control this rise,” expecting the exchange rate of the dollar to rise to more than 150 thousand dinars for every 100 dollars, while ruling out at the same time that it will reach high levels as happened in the past periods.”

Since Eid al-Adha, the dollar exchange rate has risen to more than 152,000 dinars in the parallel market and exchange offices, after hovering around 145,000 dinars per 100 dollars.

Prices have fallen again over the past week, with the dollar now hovering around 149,000 dinars per $100.

The Central Bank imposed a mechanism that prevents the delivery of dollars to travelers except at airports, which increased the demand for dollars in the parallel market after illegal trade was financed through the parallel market via travelers’ dollars. LINK

The Dollar Pushes The Iraqi Dinar To Confrontation.. And The Market Movement Is Stagnant

Time: 2024/07/27 21:22:29 Read: 1,794 times {Economic: Al Furat News} The US dollar pushes the Iraqi dinar to confront and stabilize at a certain number, while local markets become stagnant.

Economic expert, Basem Jamil Antoine, told {Euphrates News} that: "The reasons for the stability of the dollar exchange rate are due to a number of factors, including the stagnation in economic and commercial activity, which is considered weak in all markets in Baghdad and Iraq, and shopping activity is weak during the month of Muharram."

He added, "During the month of Muharram, there is stagnation in commercial activity, no shopping, and inactivity, and economic activity in general is almost at a standstill, in addition to being in the hands of the state in general; therefore, there is no active commercial activity or demand for the dollar; because the private sector is mainly the one that buys the dollar to import, and in the absence of demand, it remains stable."

Antoine added, "Also, the rise in exchange rates is faster than their fall, and this process needs to be reviewed, as traders who bought the dollar do not sell it at a loss, which is one of the reasons for the stagnation, stagnation, and weak economic activity, in addition to the high temperatures that play a major role in the productivity of the individual or citizen, which is weak."

In addition, the Parliamentary Investment Committee confirmed the impact of the fluctuations in the dollar exchange rate on investment projects.

The buying and selling prices of the US dollar in local markets have ranged between 150,500 and 150,250 dinars for days.

The exchange rates of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar today, Saturday, were as follows:

Selling price 150,250 dinars.

Buying price 148,250 dinars for every 100 dollars. LINK

Stability Of The Dollar Exchange Rate In Iraq

Economy | 06:13 - 07/27/2024 Mawazine News – Baghdad The exchange rates of the US dollar against the Iraqi dinar witnessed stability in local markets today, Saturday.

The exchange rates of the dollar stabilized with the opening of the Al-Kifah and Al-Harithiya stock exchanges, recording 149.550 dinars for every 100 dollars.

The selling price in exchange shops reached 150.250 dinars, while the purchase price reached 148.250 dinars for every 100 dollars. https://www.mawazin.net/Details.aspx?jimare=252142

Within A Week.. More Than One Billion Dollars In Sales From The Central Bank Of Iraq

Posted On2024-07-27 By Sotaliraq 2024-07-27 The total sales of hard currency in US dollars by the Central Bank of Iraq during the past week, during which the auction was opened, amounted to more than one billion dollars.

Our correspondent reported that the Central Bank sold during the past week and for the 5 days in which the auction was opened, one billion, 387 million, 237 thousand, and 049 dollars, at a daily rate of 277 million, 447 million, and 410 dollars, an increase over what was recorded in the previous week, which amounted to one billion, 91 million, 173 million, and 642 dollars.

The highest dollar sales were on Tuesday, reaching 283 million, 69 thousand, and 68 dollars, while the lowest sales were on Wednesday, reaching 274 million, 637 thousand, and 912 dollars.

Our correspondent indicated that foreign remittance sales during the past week amounted to 1 billion, 345 million, 937 thousand and 49 dollars, an increase of 96% compared to cash sales, which amounted to 41 million, 300 thousand dollars. LINK

Oil Sales Via Electronic Payment Exceeded Two Trillion Dinars In Half A Year

July 27, 2024 Implementing projects to support the stability of Diwaniyah electricity and increase Diyala supply hours

Diyala - Salam Al Shamry

Maysan - Ali Qasim Al Kaabi

Sales of the Oil Products Distribution Company, affiliated with the Ministry of Oil, through smart card payment, exceeded the two trillion dinar barrier during the first half of this year.

A statement received by Al-Zaman yesterday stated that (the company's sales using the smart card exceeded two trillion dinars during the first half of this year in a significant way), indicating that (the company introduced the electronic sales service since the beginning of last April, and included all governorates and those dealing with the company from agents of gas and white oil and generators, constructed stations, and basins).

The South Gas Company, affiliated with the ministry, launched the overhead power line project in the Nasiriyah and Al-Gharraf fields, with a capacity of 123 kV.

Investment Project

Yesterday's statement referred to (the operation of the overhead power line project feeding the site of the Nasiriyah and Gharraf gas field investment project with a capacity of 132 kV, and a length of 51 kilometers, which was implemented under contract with the Ministry of Electricity), and explained that (it represents 10 percent of the project stages, which is the first axis of the Nasiriyah gas project), according to the statement, and added that (the project is being linked to the bridge linking the power station and the last point of the overhead line).

In a related context, the General Manager of Maysan Oil Company, Hussein Kazim Laibi, discussed the development plans of Maysan fields with the managers of the Oil Exploration Company, the Contracts and Licensing Department, the Reservoirs and Field Development Department, and the Chinese company Sinopec, plans to develop Maysan fields in Bazargan, Faka, and Abu Gharb.

The Undersecretary of the Ministry of Oil for Extraction Affairs stressed during the meeting (the importance of the ministry's commitment to supporting foreign companies operating in the oil fields), indicating that (these companies are partners in the process of developing the oil sector in Iraq, and are not just a tool operating the fields, which reflects the ministry's orientation towards enhancing cooperation and partnership with international companies).

For his part, the Chinese delegation expressed (its thanks for the support provided by the Ministry of Oil, stressing their commitment to continue developing Maysan fields and sustaining production).

The Drilling Department of the Maysan Oil Fields Operating Authority continues its activities through the main operator, the Chinese company Sinopec, and the operating drilling companies, by implementing drilling contracts, under the supervision of the company’s general manager, and with continuous field supervision by the engineering team in the department, and the engineers residing in the drilling rigs.

A statement received by Al-Zaman yesterday stated that (all the activities and joint work of the department’s people’s officials, the staff residing in the towers, and the reservoirs and geology department, resulted in the drilling of 12 wells in the fields of Bazarkan, Al-Faka, and Abu Gharb, during the first half of this year, in addition to 9 wells under construction, and other wells being completed successively within the annual plan for drilling operations, with the aim of supporting production capacity),

indicating that (the teams completed the drilling of vertical, horizontal, and inclined wells within the Al-Mushrif and Al-Asmari reservoirs, using the latest technologies, most of which targeted the production of crude oil, some for injection, and others for the production of reservoir water, according to the required technical specifications and the standard criteria of the oil industry).

The ministry is moving towards converting 40 percent of crude oil into petroleum derivatives and contributing projects, stressing that the completion of the fixed gas platform project in the Grand Faw Port achieves stability in the operation of power stations.

The Deputy Minister of Oil for Refining Affairs, Hamid Younis, said in a statement yesterday that (the government seeks to implement plans aimed at improving the reality of the oil industries, and converting 40 percent of crude oil into petroleum derivatives, during the current year),

pointing out (the existence of projects with a capacity of 70 thousand barrels in Maysan, Nasiriyah and Diwaniyah, in addition to the 70 thousand barrel unit in Dora, and the same in Qayyarah, in addition to 70 thousand barrels in Haditha), adding that (the total of these projects produces 420 million barrels, in addition to the Faw investment refinery project, the contract for which will be signed in the coming days with a capacity of 300 thousand barrels),

indicating that (this means that the government plans exceed 40 percent of the required quantities), and regarding the project to establish a fixed gas platform in the port of Faw, Younis explained that (the importance of the project lies in enhancing the stability of supply to power stations that operate on dry gas, which cannot be stored in tanks).

Meanwhile, the Minister of Electricity, Ziad Ali Fadhil, explained that the staff of the company operating the Shatt al-Basra gas station line to the Faw station contributes to solving the network bottlenecks in the areas of Abu al-Khaseeb, Sihan, al-Siba and al-Faw.

A statement yesterday said that (the line feeds the Faw station, which is considered the most important joint of the Gulf interconnection project, in addition to its role in discharging loads and providing stable energy).

Electrical Connection

In Diyala, electricity added 100 megawatts to the network in the province. A statement received by (Al-Zaman) yesterday said that (the ministry has completed the second phase of the project to connect with Kurdistan to add 100 megawatts to the network, which contributes to improving energy),

indicating that (the Diyala Electricity Distribution Branch, affiliated with the General Company for Electricity Distribution in the Middle, has completed the requirements of the second phase of the connection with the region, to support the national system),

and continued that (the work included the construction of an alternative 33 kV line with a distance of 22 kilometers, and unloading the loads from the 132 kV power transmission line, Kalar Khanaqin, with the aim of supporting electricity stability and providing energy to the people of Diyala).

The ministry plans to establish a 400-volt station in Diyala to support energy stability and develop the Mansouriya station in the province. The ministry’s spokesman, Ahmed Musa, said yesterday that (Diyala has a specific share of energy according to the Supreme Coordination Authority of the Provinces),

noting that (part of the network operates on the Iranian lines, Mirsad Diyala, and Sarbil Zahab-Khanaqin), adding that (the lines vary in strength, which causes a decline in the hours of electricity supply), stressing (the move to develop the Mansouriya station in the province, in addition to the Diyala 400 station, to enhance the stability of the transmission networks).

The ministry implemented 20 projects to relieve congestion in the Ghammas district in Diwaniyah, noting that the agricultural line in the district was excluded from the scheduled cuts, to support farmers and agricultural workers. The Undersecretary of the Ministry, Nizar Al-Tamimi, said in a statement yesterday that (in implementation of the Prime Minister's directives, the governorate was visited, and the needs of citizens in the district were determined, which prompted the ministry to start projects to relieve congestion, prepare 50 transformers, and increase the hours of preparation in Diwaniyah). LINK

Oil Prices Fall 1.5%, Record Weekly Losses

Saturday 27 July 2024 09:27 | Economic Number of readings: 236 Baghdad / NINA / Oil prices fell by 1.5% at the end of trading on Friday evening, falling for the first time in 3 consecutive sessions.

Oil markets recorded losses for the third week in a row, as the two benchmark crudes (Brent and West Texas Intermediate) fell by about 1.8% each during the week ending today.

Oil prices are witnessing volatile trading between weak demand in China, the world's largest importer of crude, expectations of an approaching ceasefire agreement in the Middle East, fears of a shortage of supplies due to fires in Canada, and a decline in US oil inventories.

At the end of Friday's session, Brent crude futures for September 2024 delivery fell by 1.5% to reach $81.13 per barrel.

US West Texas Intermediate crude futures for September 2024 delivery fell 1.4% to $77.16 a barrel, according to figures compared by the Washington-based energy platform.

Oil prices fell to their lowest level in 6 weeks on Tuesday, and Brent crude closed at its lowest level since June 9, as ceasefire talks in Gaza progressed, as part of a plan set out by US President Joe Biden in May and mediated by Egypt and Qatar. /https://ninanews.com/Website/News/Details?key=1143729

For current and reliable Iraqi news please visit:https://www.bondladyscorner.com/

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Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20 Economics, News Dinar Recaps 20

Egon von Greyerz: Catastrophic Economic Collapse & The Next Great Depression Looming

Good as Gold Australia: 7-27-2024

In this most recent interview, Darryl and Brian Panes from As Good As Gold Australia talk with the legendary, Egon von Greyerz, Founder and General Manager of Gold Switzerland and Von Greyerz AG.

The world is currently very precariously placed with global debt ($350 trillion) at unprecedented levels, unmanageable inflation and sitting on the edge of WWII.

346 corporate business bankruptcies were recorded in the first half of 2024 in the US (the most during any year's first half since 2010). Could we be heading into the 2nd Great Depression?

Egon von Greyerz: Catastrophic Economic Collapse & The Next Great Depression Looming

Good as Gold Australia: 7-27-2024

In this most recent interview, Darryl and Brian Panes from As Good As Gold Australia talk with the legendary, Egon von Greyerz, Founder and General Manager of Gold Switzerland and Von Greyerz AG.

The world is currently very precariously placed with global debt ($350 trillion) at unprecedented levels, unmanageable inflation and sitting on the edge of WWII.

346 corporate business bankruptcies were recorded in the first half of 2024 in the US (the most during any year's first half since 2010). Could we be heading into the 2nd Great Depression?

During the first half of 2024, gold has recorded a 19% gain and the World Gold Council survey confirms that Central Bank Reserve managers plan to increase their gold holdings further, building on their status of being the primary price setters of gold bullion since the 3rd quarter of 2022.

Central Banks are now confirming that they are viewing gold as a strategic asset.

In 2019, only 15% of Central Banks considered their gold reserves a strategic asset. By the 2024 survey, this number had risen to 71%. Both advanced and EMDE economies face growing concerns about managing their reserve assets, including geo-political uncertainty, financial stability, default risk, long-term store of value, portfolio diversification performance during times of crisis and liquidity.

If Central Banks feel so strongly about gold, why wouldn't we? As the late Jim Sinclair would confirm, 'you need to become your own central bank.'

If the BIS (Bank of International Settlements) is suggesting that Central Banks should own more gold, which they claim is a strategic Tier 1 asset, should we question their motive, especially when you read their charter and statutes?

This is a must-view, absorbing interview.


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News Dinar Recaps 20 News Dinar Recaps 20

Iraq Dinar News - IQD Update - US FED - Can not Wait for Ever, Iraq! - Fed Measures Occur at Anytime

MilitiaMan and Crew: 7-27-2024

The Crew: Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..

Iraq Dinar News - IQD Update - US FED - Can not Wait for Ever, Iraq! - Fed Measures Occur at Anytime

MilitiaMan and Crew: 7-27-2024

The Crew: Samson, PompeyPeter, Petra, Daytrader, Sunkissed, GIGI and Militia Man

Be sure to listen to full video for all the news……..


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Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8 Economics, Gold and Silver, News DINARRECAPS8

Good afternoon Dinar Recaps,

Cardano Launches Node 9.1.0: The Dawn of the Chang Hard Fork Era

▪️Cardano’s Node 9.1.0 launch is pivotal for the Chang Hard Fork, marking significant progress in on-chain decision-making.

▪️While ADA’s price hasn’t surged yet, the upgrade holds potential for a future rally similar to the Alonzo Hard Fork.

Following the innovative launch of Cardano Ogmios v6.4.0, we reported last month, Cardano has launched Node 9.1.0, which is crucial for the upcoming Chang Hard Fork upgrade.This node introduces the final version needed to implement on-chain decision-making within the Cardano ecosystem.The Dawn of the Chang Hard Fork Era is equipped with a crucial feature, the Conway genesis file, which differentiates it from the previous Node 9.0.0.

This launch was announced by Intersect on X andconfirmed by Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson on his personal X account.The Chang Hard Fork upgrade, initially scheduled for the first half of 2024, is expected to significantly advance Cardano’s infrastructure and capabilities.

Good Afternoon Dinar Recaps,

Cardano Launches Node 9.1.0: The Dawn of the Chang Hard Fork Era

▪️Cardano’s Node 9.1.0 launch is pivotal for the Chang Hard Fork, marking significant progress in on-chain decision-making.

▪️While ADA’s price hasn’t surged yet, the upgrade holds potential for a future rally similar to the Alonzo Hard Fork.

Following the innovative launch of Cardano Ogmios v6.4.0, we reported last month, Cardano has launched Node 9.1.0, which is crucial for the upcoming Chang Hard Fork upgrade.

This node introduces the final version needed to implement on-chain decision-making within the Cardano ecosystem.The Dawn of the Chang Hard Fork Era is equipped with a crucial feature, the Conway genesis file, which differentiates it from the previous Node 9.0.0.

This launch was announced by Intersect on X andconfirmed by Cardano founder Charles Hoskinson on his personal X account.The Chang Hard Fork upgrade, initially scheduled for the first half of 2024, is expected to significantly advance Cardano’s infrastructure and capabilities.

From Intersect on Twitter
Node 9.1.0 is here!

The final version to bring on-chain decision making to Cardano is here. As with all hard-forks, Cardano upgrades when the community is ready.

SPO's ➡️https://bit.ly/3ycXnVF

However, unlike the previous update, as discussed in the CNF earlier report, which drove ADA price up 10% as 159 projects launched on Cardano, accompanied by 9.62M native tokens and 84.2M transactions,this upgrade is still taking its time to hit the expected surge.

Previous upgrades like the Alonzo Hard Fork in 2021 had a substantial positive impact on ADA’s price, suggesting potential similar outcomes with the Chang Hard Fork.

The upgrade could potentially lead to a price rally,as it is expected to break the upper boundary of the wedge pattern. As of now, according to CoinMarketCap data today, Cardano (ADA) is trading at $0.3966, with a decrease of 2.47% in the past day and 5.75% in the past week. See ADA price chart below.

However, unlike the previous update, as discussed in the CNF earlier report, which drove ADA price up 10% as 159 projects launched on Cardano, accompanied by 9.62M native tokens and 84.2M transactions,this upgrade is still taking its time to hit the expected surge.

Previous upgrades like the Alonzo Hard Fork in 2021 had a substantial positive impact on ADA’s price, suggesting potential similar outcomes with the Chang Hard Fork.

The upgrade could potentially lead to a price rally, as it is expected to break the upper boundary of the wedge pattern. As of now, according to CoinMarketCap data today, Cardano (ADA) is trading at $0.3966, with a decrease of 2.47% in the past day and 5.75% in the past week.

UPDATE: Cardano is trading at $0.4232 today.

@ Newshounds News™

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Crypto News Flash


Copper will be the investment of the decade? Kitco Live ‘Copper Masters Panel’ on August 22, 2024

(Kitco News) -Copper presents a generational investment opportunity. A looming supply crunch fueled by high demand required for the energy transition is elevating prices to record highs with a positive outlook for investors.

The copper market is expected to enter into deficit in the near-term,which is forecast to increase to 5-8Mtpa by the end of the decade as new demand gathers pace. Eergy transition applications and the power infrastructure required for the electrification of everything, data centers, andemerging markets such as India are all factors vying for dwindling copper supplies.

The positive market outlook has not garnered a corresponding supply response as few development projects are in the pipeline, and miners are risk-averse due to the increasing economic uncertainty, costs, and timescales of project development.

Hosted by Paul Harris, the ‘Kitco Copper Masters Panel’ will hear from industry leaders Robert Friedland, Kathleen Quirk, and Colin Hamilton discussing why copper may be the natural resources investment of the decade.

Join us live on Kitco Mining’s YouTube channel on Thursday, August 22, 2024, at 3PM ET / 12PM PST for the latest copper investment insights from these copper masters.

@ Newshounds News™

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Chinese Firm Boasts of Using Tether Stablecoin to Skirt Russian Sanctions

Chinese-owned import-export firm Qifa specializes in trade between China and Russia, a booming sector. According to Reuters, the company is now using the Tether stablecoin for cross-border payments because of sanctions affecting bank payments.

It’s possible that Qifa spoke to Reuters to boost the price of its IPO on the Moscow Exchange. However, that benefit could prove short lived. Several Russian companies featured in recent press reports have been the subject of sanctions shortly afterwards.

For instance, Reuters reported in April that the Shanghai branch of Russian bank VTB played a key role in facilitating money transfers between Russia and China. In the latest package of sanctions announced on 12 June, OFAC added VTB Shanghai to its sanction list.Within a week this caused problems with money reaching Chinese suppliers.

The reason for using VTB Shanghai is the threat of sanctions on Chinese banks. Hence, any Chinese banks willing to receive payments are smaller ones, and they conduct significant due diligence to ensure that any goods are not dual use for military purposes.

Meanwhile, the use of Tether as a settlement asset may be illegal in both countries.Reuters classed Tether as a Digital Financial Asset. That’s not the case.

Digital Financial Assets
Digital Financial Assets (DFAs) are a specific class of Russian digital assets, including tokenized gold, other commodities and factored invoices.

There’s a short list of firms that operate platforms approved to issue DFA tokens, and most of them have been sanctioned. Not only does Tether not run an approved DFA issuing platform, but stablecoins are not approved DFA assets.

Originally Russian legislation banned the use of DFAs for payment, but it recently passed a new law allowing them to be used for cross-border payments, precisely to skirt sanctions.Less than two weeks later more DFA issuers were sanctioned alongside some Russian cryptocurrency firms.

That means only those comfortable dealing with sanctioned entities would accept them. There are also practical hurdles we have previously explored.

Tether would be classed as a cryptocurrency rather than a DFA.

Russia is working on legislation to support the use of cryptocurrencies for cross-border payments.Even the central bank governor has agreed it’s a practical move, despite her misgivings about crypto.As of today, using Tether may not be legal in Russia, but the Russians would most likely turn a blind eye.

It’s far less clear that’s the case in China where the use of stablecoins such as Tether is not permitted.

@ Newshounds News™

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Ledger Insights



▪️LUXEMBOURG proposes relaxing DLT lawsLINK

▪️BNP Paribas hosts issuance of SLOVENIAs digital bond settled in CBDCLINK

▪️JP Morgan-backed Ownera partners with Digital Asset’s Canton networkLINK

▪️Franklin Templeton planning digital-asset joint venture with JAPANs SBILINK

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If I Give My Child $30,000 Towards Their Wedding, Do I Have to Worry About Gift Tax?

Mark Henricks Sat, July 27, 2024 SmartAsset

Imagine your child is getting married and you want to help pay for their wedding. You’ve been saving for years and now have $30,000 set aside for their big day, which you plan to hand over in the form of a check.

However, before you pass along that much cash, it’s important to understand the potential tax implications of making a $30,000 gift. A gift that size could require you to pay the federal gift tax, which can reach up to 40%. The good news is you may avoid paying gift taxes altogether, but there are reporting requirements and other limitations to keep in mind. Consult a financial advisor to minimize your gift tax obligations.

Federal Gift Tax at a Glance

The federal gift tax applies when you transfer money or property to someone else without receiving something of equal value in return. Gift tax rates range from 18% to 40% based on the size of the gift.

If I Give My Child $30,000 Towards Their Wedding, Do I Have to Worry About Gift Tax?

Mark Henricks Sat, July 27, 2024 SmartAsset

Imagine your child is getting married and you want to help pay for their wedding. You’ve been saving for years and now have $30,000 set aside for their big day, which you plan to hand over in the form of a check.

However, before you pass along that much cash, it’s important to understand the potential tax implications of making a $30,000 gift. A gift that size could require you to pay the federal gift tax, which can reach up to 40%. The good news is you may avoid paying gift taxes altogether, but there are reporting requirements and other limitations to keep in mind. Consult a financial advisor to minimize your gift tax obligations.

Federal Gift Tax at a Glance

The federal gift tax applies when you transfer money or property to someone else without receiving something of equal value in return. Gift tax rates range from 18% to 40% based on the size of the gift.

However, not all gifts trigger this federal tax. The IRS allows you to give away up to $17,000 ($34,000 for married couples) per year to each individual without owing any taxes on the gift. This is called the annual exclusion, and in 2024 it will increase to $18,000 per person.

However, gifts that exceed this annual exclusion aren’t necessarily taxed either. Instead, they reduce the amount of money or property you can give away tax-free over the course of your lifetime. This lifetime limit is known as the basic exclusion amount or lifetime exemption and it’s adjusted each year for inflation.

The gift tax only applies when you exhaust your lifetime exemption. In 2023, a person can give away up to $12.92 million over the course of their lifetime without triggering the gift tax (this will increase to $13.61 million in 2024). For example, if someone were to give away $13 million, they would pay gift taxes on only $80,000. And if you need additional help planning for major gifts, consider matching with a financial advisor.

How the Gift Tax Could Affect a $30,000 Wedding Gift

If you want to give a child $30,000 to help pay for a wedding, there are a few different ways it could be structured.

As a gift solely from you to your child, a $30,000 wedding gift would avoid most tax liability on its own. The gift only exceeds the $17,000 annual exclusion for 2023 by $13,000, so that’s all that could potentially be taxable if you’re single.

If this is your first time exceeding the annual exclusion, there’s more good news. In that case, the $13,000 excess would simply reduce your $12.92 million lifetime exclusion by that amount. You would not actually have to pay any gift tax unless you exceed your remaining lifetime exclusion, though you still have to fill out Form 709.

Alternatively, you could gift both your child and their future spouse $15,000 each and avoid the annual exclusion threshold (remember, you can gift up to the annual exclusion amount per year per person).

To make sure you structure your gifts in your best interest, talk it over with a financial advisor.

How to Avoid Gift Tax on a $30,000 Wedding Gift



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Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Breaking Down the New BRICS Gold-backed Currency System in Detail

On July 26, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Learn about the construction, mechanics, benefits and real-world usage of this groundbreaking digital currency.

This is Part 2 of my article series exploring why the BRICS Gold-backed currency system is an inspiring model for our Global Currency Reset and Currency Revaluations (RV/GCR).

Breaking Down the New BRICS Gold-backed Currency System in Detail

On July 26, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Learn about the construction, mechanics, benefits and real-world usage of this groundbreaking digital currency.

This is Part 2 of my article series exploring why the BRICS Gold-backed currency system is an inspiring model for our Global Currency Reset and Currency Revaluations (RV/GCR).

Early Access — Dinar Recaps (4)

You can find Part 1 here: The BRICS UNIT: The Catalyst for a Revolutionary Global Currency Reset

It lays the foundation for the global adoption of gold and real assets to back sovereign currencies. The BRICS UNIT System’s greatest strength is its inclusiveness.

It’s not a closed, exclusive financial system meant only for BRICS Member Nations; it’s open to any country, BRICS Alliance Member or not. It even accommodates nations that continue to use a pure fiat currency system.

This flexibility to create exchange rate pairs between UNIT and fiat currencies opens exciting opportunities for our RV Currency Exchange.

In This Article

  • The Construction of the BRICS UNIT

  • Operational Mechanics of the UNIT

  • Who Will Use the UNIT

  • Real-World Applications of the UNIT

  • Benefits for International Business and Trade

  • Key Dates in the UNIT Rollout

The BRICS nations are on the brink of a financial revolution with the introduction of the UNIT, a gold-backed digital currency set to transform global transactions.

This comprehensive guide breaks down how the UNIT is built, its operational mechanics, user base, practical applications, benefits, and key milestones in its rollout.

The Construction of the BRICS UNIT

The UNIT is being intricately crafted as a gold-anchored, blockchain-enabled digital asset. Each UNIT is minted when participants deposit a mix of gold and BRICS currencies at designated blockchain nodes, ensuring intrinsic value.

This innovative design blends the stability of gold with the transparency and security of blockchain technology.

Early Access — Dinar Recaps (5)

Legally anchored in the Budapest Convention, the UNIT ecosystem promises robust international legitimacy.

Drawing on advanced crypto-blockchain concepts from platforms like Ethereum and Bitcoin, the UNIT stands out with its unique focus on tangible value and economic stability.

Operational Mechanics of the UNIT

At the heart of the UNIT is a decentralized blockchain system that guarantees security and transparency. Nodes within this system independently mint UNITs by receiving deposits of gold and BRICS currencies, adhering to a standardized rule book to maintain integrity and trust.

Transaction costs within the UNIT ecosystem are expected to be significantly lower than those of traditional banking systems. This cost-efficiency, combined with the inherent stability of a gold-backed asset, positions the UNIT as a superior alternative for global transactions.

Who Will Use the UNIT

The UNIT is designed for a diverse user base, encompassing nations, businesses, and consumers. BRICS countries can utilize the UNIT for international trade, minimizing reliance on traditional fiat currencies and fostering economic cooperation.

Businesses, especially those engaged in cross-border commerce, will benefit from reduced fees and heightened security.

Consumers will also see value in using the UNIT for purchasing goods and services worldwide. The currency’s stability, underpinned by gold, offers a reliable and secure option compared to more volatile cryptocurrencies.

Early Access — Dinar Recaps (6)

Real-World Applications of the UNIT

In practical terms, the UNIT is set to revolutionize international trade and finance. BRICS nations can leverage the UNIT to conduct bilateral trade, significantly lowering transaction costs and enhancing economic partnerships.

ALSO READ: GCR Progress: Russia and Iran Planning Joint Gold-Backed Currency

Businesses can streamline their global transactions by using UNITs, circumventing traditional banking systems and avoiding cumbersome currency conversion fees.

For consumers, the UNIT provides a stable and cost-effective means to buy goods and services from international merchants, making global commerce more accessible and affordable.

Benefits for International Business and Trade

The UNIT offers substantial advantages for international business and trade. Its gold-backed nature ensures stability, mitigating risks associated with currency volatility.

The decentralized structure of the UNIT ecosystem promotes fairness and transparency, as no single country or central bank can exert control over the currency.

Participating countries enjoy monetary policy independence within the UNIT framework, allowing them to pursue their own economic agendas without the constraints of pegging their currencies.

This flexibility is particularly advantageous for countries with non-convertible currencies, enabling them to engage more freely in international trade.

Key Dates in the UNIT Rollout

The journey to launching the UNIT is marked by several pivotal dates:

  • August 2023: BRICS summit in Johannesburg where finance ministers were tasked with developing the UNIT.

  • June 2024: BRICS foreign ministers emphasized enhancing the use of local currencies, supporting the UNIT initiative.

  • September 2024: Special meeting of the New Development Bank (NDB) in Shanghai to evaluate the UNIT proposal.

  • October 22-24, 2024: BRICS leaders’ summit in Kazan, Russia, where final reports and decisions on the UNIT will be presented.

The Bottom Line

The BRICS UNIT represents a groundbreaking step forward in the evolution of digital currencies.

Combining the security of blockchain technology with the stability of gold, the UNIT is poised to become a powerful tool for international business and trade.

As we approach key milestones in its development, the global financial landscape is set for a transformative shift, promising exciting possibilities for fair, non-manipulated, and stable economies worldwide.

ALSO READ: Ready for Fiat System Collapse: Dutch Central Bank Admits Gold-Backed Currency Plan

Contributing Sources:

© GCR Real-Time News

Visit the GCR Real-Time News website and search 100’s of articles here: Ai3D.blog
Join my Telegram Channel to comment and ask questions here: GCR_RealTimeNews
Follow me on Twitter: @Real_AwakeIn3D


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Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Economics Dinar Recaps 20

How Zimbabwe is Leading Africa into a Gold-Backed Currency Reset

On July 26, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Zimbabwe’s now-official ZWG (aka the ZiG) currency is setting a new standard for stability and exchange rate value.

As African nations increasingly turn to gold to hedge against economic instability, Zimbabwe is leading the continent into a gold-backed currency future.

How Zimbabwe is Leading Africa into a Gold-Backed Currency Reset

On July 26, 2024 By Awake-In-3D

Zimbabwe’s now-official ZWG (aka the ZiG) currency is setting a new standard for stability and exchange rate value.

As African nations increasingly turn to gold to hedge against economic instability, Zimbabwe is leading the continent into a gold-backed currency future.

Early Access — Dinar Recaps (7)

The Reserve Bank of Zimbabwe (RBZ) recently announced the certification of the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) with an international currency code (ZWG) by the World Bank, giving it a distinct identity among other nations’ official currencies.

The ZiG is a revolutionary currency backed by precious metals, mainly gold, and foreign currency with a cumulative value of about US$300 million.

Early Access — Dinar Recaps (8)


Currently, there are ZiG1, ZiG2, ZiG5, ZiG10, and ZiG20 notes in circulation, with plans to introduce ZiG50, ZiG100, and ZiG200 notes in the near future. Minor units of the ZiG are known as cents, reflecting a familiar structure for ease of transactions.

Since its introduction at a rate of ZiG13.66 to the US dollar, the currency has shown remarkable stability, currently trading at ZiG13.44. There are about US$80 million worth of ZiG in circulation.

This stability is a stark contrast to the volatility that plagued previous iterations of the Zimbabwean dollar for the past several decades.

In This Article

  1. Zimbabwe’s Gold-Backed Currency Initiative

  2. Other African Nations Following Suit

  3. Economic Implications for the Continent

  4. The IMF’s Positive Perspective on Gold-Backed Currencies

Zimbabwe has emerged as a pioneer in a significant shift towards gold-backed currencies across the African continent.

As economic instability and currency depreciation arise, African nations increasingly look to gold to safeguard their financial futures.

Zimbabwe’s Gold-Backed Currency Initiative

Zimbabwe’s introduction of the Zimbabwe Gold (ZiG) currency marks a groundbreaking move in Africa’s economic landscape.

The new currency, backed primarily by gold and other forex reserves, replaces the beleaguered Zimbabwean dollar. Since its launch in April, the ZiG has aimed to stabilize the nation’s economy and restore confidence in its financial system.

David Mnangagwa, Zimbabwe’s Deputy Minister of Finance, Economic Development, and Investment Promotion, emphasized the importance of controlled money supply to maintain the currency’s value. This approach addresses past issues of hyperinflation and rapid devaluation.

ALSO READ: Zimbabwe’s New Gold-Backed ZiG Currency: A Record Financial Turnaround

The government’s strategy to “drip-feed” the ZWG into the market is designed to preserve the currency’s value, ensuring long-term stability and economic growth.

The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has also recognized the positive strides made by Zimbabwe. According to an IMF review, Zimbabwe’s economy is showing resilience, with growth expected to recover strongly in 2025.

The introduction of the ZiG has played a pivotal role in ending a period of macroeconomic instability, and the IMF commends Zimbabwe’s improved monetary policy discipline and efforts to stabilize the new currency.

Other African Nations Following Suit

Inspired by Zimbabwe’s initiative, several African countries are taking similar steps to secure their economic stability through gold-backed currencies.

Nigeria, Uganda, Tanzania, and Madagascar have all announced plans to bolster their gold reserves and, in some cases, back their currencies with gold.

Nigeria’s central bank has initiated a domestic gold-buying program and plans to repatriate its existing gold reserves. This move aims to mitigate risks associated with the weakening U.S. economy and the volatility of the U.S. dollar.

Similarly, Uganda and Tanzania have launched gold acquisition strategies to strengthen their financial reserves and reduce dependency on foreign currencies.

Tanzania announced a significant investment of $400 million to purchase six tons of gold, reflecting a strong commitment to securing its economic future.

ALSO READ: The Gold-backed Zimbabwe ZiG and Our RV/GCR – What You Need to Know

Uganda’s central bank introduced a domestic gold-buying program to purchase gold directly from local artisanal miners, aiming to address risks in the international financial markets.

Economic Implications for the African Continent

The shift towards gold-backed currencies represents a significant financial development for African economies.

By leveraging gold, countries aim to protect themselves against geopolitical risks and currency depreciation. This strategy also addresses the concerns over America’s economic policies and the potential weaponization of the U.S. dollar.

Analysts highlight that adding gold to national reserves allows countries to grow their reserve assets without sacrificing other hard-currency reserves. This approach is particularly pertinent for nations facing economic sanctions or anticipating a decline in the U.S. dollar’s value.

The strategic accumulation of gold reserves can bolster economic resilience and foster long-term stability across the continent.

The IMF’s Positive Perspective on Gold-Backed Currencies

The global financial community is closely monitoring Africa’s transition to gold-backed currencies.

Experts from institutions like the IMF recognize the potential benefits but also caution about the challenges. Sustained economic stability and disciplined monetary policies are crucial for the success of these initiatives.

The IMF’s positive assessment of Zimbabwe’s economic policies is a testament to the potential success of gold-backed currencies. The institution’s recommendations for further refinements to the policy framework highlight the importance of continuous improvement and adaptation. Zimbabwe’s pioneering move sets a precedent, encouraging other African nations to consider similar measures.

ALSO READ: Zimbabwe to Establish New Gold-Backed Currency Exchange Rate Value

The Bottom Line

Zimbabwe’s bold step towards a gold-backed currency is reshaping the financial landscape in Africa.

As more nations follow suit, the continent is positioning itself to mitigate economic risks and enhance financial stability. This trend underscores a broader move towards leveraging gold as a safeguard against global economic uncertainties, potentially setting a new standard for currency stability in the 21st century.

With the positive momentum from IMF reviews and the collective efforts of African nations, the future looks promising for a continent embracing economic resilience through gold.

Contributing Articles:

© GCR Real-Time News

Visit the GCR Real-Time News website and search 100’s of articles here: Ai3D.blog
Join my Telegram Channel to comment and ask questions here: GCR_RealTimeNews
Follow me on Twitter: @Real_AwakeIn3D


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Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8 Advice, Personal Finance DINARRECAPS8

I’m a Bank Teller: 7 Biggest Cash Withdrawal Mistakes I See People Make Every Day

Madeline Duley Fri, July 26, 2024 GOBankingRates

If you have a bank account, you’re likely familiar with the process of withdrawing cash, depositing checks and handling bills. While these might seem like basic tasks, there are a few common mistakes that are easy to make when carrying out these seemingly simple financial transactions.

Find out from a bank teller if you’re making these seven common cash withdrawal mistakes — and learn how to avoid them.

Getting Bills Too Large

Although efficient and compact, large bills aren’t as versatile as you might think.

I’m a Bank Teller: 7 Biggest Cash Withdrawal Mistakes I See People Make Every Day

Madeline Duley Fri, July 26, 2024 GOBankingRates

If you have a bank account, you’re likely familiar with the process of withdrawing cash, depositing checks and handling bills. While these might seem like basic tasks, there are a few common mistakes that are easy to make when carrying out these seemingly simple financial transactions.

Find out from a bank teller if you’re making these seven common cash withdrawal mistakes — and learn how to avoid them.

Getting Bills Too Large

Although efficient and compact, large bills aren’t as versatile as you might think.

“One mistake I often see is taking out large bills to spend at local businesses, because most won’t accept them because businesses are worried about fraudulent bills,” said Haley West, head teller at Kohler Credit Union.

The usability and convenience of smaller bills are well worth the annoyance of carrying around a thicker stack of cash.

Requesting Brand New Bills

There’s nothing more appealing than fresh, crisp bills, especially when you’re giving cash as a gift. However, requesting brand-new bills might have frustrating consequences.

“A mistake members make is requesting brand new bills as they are sticky and members tend to come back thinking that we shorted them or they gave too much when they purchased because the bills were stuck together,” West said.

Neglecting To Balance Accounts

Life gets busy and it can be hard to stay on top of account balances. An easy mistake to make is withdrawing cash from an account with inadequate funds.

“A staggering 19% of all payments in 2020 were cash transactions,” said Oliver Brifman, business insurance and financial services expert at eMerchant Authority. “Yet, many customers withdraw without checking their balance, leading to overdraft fees. Always check your balance before a withdrawal to avoid the plunge into overdraft territory.”


When you are in a rush or distracted, it’s easy to make mistakes.

“Based on my time as a bank teller, I learned firsthand how easily little mistakes can happen with cash transactions if you’re not careful,” said Steven Kibbel, former bank teller and now a Certified Financial Planner and financial advisor at Prop Firm App. “When people are rushed or distracted, they often make the mistake of miscounting bills, mixing up denominations or neglecting to double-check important details on checks.”

Save yourself the headache later by double-checking your accounts, counting your cash and remembering to breathe.

Forgetting ID

Surprisingly, the most common mistake people make when withdrawing cash is a very simple one: forgetting their ID.


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The US Federal Reserve Adopts A New Strategy Towards Iraq.. The Dollar Is Threatened To Rise To Unprecedented Levels

Economy 2024-07-25 | 7,697 views Alsumaria-special Economic researcher Ziad Al-Hashemi revealed new information about theUS Federal Reserve’s policy towards Iraq, anticipating a rise in the dollar against the dinar, which will generate great pressure on the Iraqi banking system. Al-Hashemi told Al-Sumaria News,

“Some information from within the corridors of theCentral Bank of Iraqindicates that theUS Federal Reservehas adopted a strategy different from its previous strategies towards the Iraqi economy,” noting that “this strategy will be more stringent and depend on three axes:

The US Federal Reserve Adopts A New Strategy Towards Iraq.. The Dollar Is Threatened To Rise To Unprecedented Levels

Economy 2024-07-25 | 7,697 views Alsumaria-special Economic researcher Ziad Al-Hashemi revealed new information about theUS Federal Reserve’s policy towards Iraq, anticipating a rise in the dollar against the dinar, which will generate great pressure on the Iraqi banking system. Al-Hashemi told Al-Sumaria News,

“Some information from within the corridors of theCentral Bank of Iraqindicates that theUS Federal Reservehas adopted a strategy different from its previous strategies towards the Iraqi economy,” noting that “this strategy will be more stringent and depend on three axes:

Thefirst axis: Thecontinuation of punishing the previous banks, and

there is no lifting of the sanctions against them, meaning that

these banks will continue to be prevented from trading in the dollar indefinitely.

Thesecond axis:closing banks that continue to violate federal controls related to money laundering and dollar smuggling, and supporting sanctioned entities and countries.

Thethird axis:Preventing the Iraqi government from interfering in the dollarfile, and that

this file be in the hands of the Central Bank of Iraq only. He stressed that

"thelast axis explains that the Federal Bank monitored the presence of political influences from the Iraqi government," pointing out that

"theIraqiCentral Banktoday is in a very embarrassing situation and is almost in trouble through internal pressures on it to obtain a larger space for the dollar and its circulation." He stressed,

"TheCentral Bankwill only have the ability to delay and postpone federal procedures for the longest possible period of time, while achieving temporary protection for the Iraqi banking system and the Iraqi dinar." He stated,

"The American Federal Reserve will not be able to wait forever, and

it is expected that there will be federal measures that may occur at any moment, and

there will be a sudden and large demand for the dollar, whichwill lead to a decrease in the value of the Iraqi dinar against the dollar, which will generate great pressure on the banking system." "The Iraqieconomy, the Iraqi economy, and the formal political system." https://www.alsumaria.tv/news/economy/494898/الفدرالي-الأميركي-يتبنى-ستراتيجية-جديدة-تجاه-العراق-الدولار-مهدد-بالار

Adviser To The Prime Minister: (Injaz Bonds) Encouraged Safe Investment Of Public Funds

Economy Baghdad - IA - Nassar Al-Hajj Thursday, Advisor to the Prime Minister Mazhar Muhammad Saleh identified the importance of Injaz bonds, while clarifying the nature of government borrowings. Saleh told the Iraqi News Agency (INA):

“Theannual general budget usually hedges during implementation against some slowdown incash flowsfor temporary and emergency reasons,” indicating that

“on this basis, thebudget is hedged by resorting toshort-term borrowingby issuing annual treasury transfers.”

With a specific interest rate,commercial banks invest their money mostly in holding thesesovereign bondsto ensure the sustainability of cash flows to the general budget. He added,

"Short-term government borrowingsare calledbridge loansand are practiced by the financial authorities in accordance with the budget law at all times and places," noting that

"thegeneral budget policy today, in its investment aspect,is moving towards ensuring the availability of astable financing leverthat guarantees the continued implementation of the country's investment budget itemsfrom non stop". Saleh continued,

“The announced issuance of the (Injaz Bond) amounting to 1.5 trillion dinarstargets the public’s savings,
especially thosedormant balancesthat lieoutside the banking systemandoutside themechanisms of thenational savings cycle,
which is consistent withencouraging the virtue of thepublic’s safe investmentof its cash balances andwith high-guarantee and high-yield sovereign debt instruments.”

At the same time,it facilitates the trading of these financial instruments(thecompletion bond),

buying and selling in thesecondary financial markets, and

provides thebond holderwith the ability toconvertthe debt instrument(thecompletion bond)into cash at all timeswhen needed,with ease and high guarantee.”


For current and reliable Iraqi news please visit:https://www.bondladyscorner.com/

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Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20 Chats and Rumors, Economics Dinar Recaps 20

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 27 July 2024

Compiled Sat. 27 July 2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy Byington

Possible Timing:

Tues. 23 July 2024 The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America was funded out of funds of the Global Currency Reset.

Note: All intel should be considered as "Rumors" until we receive official announcements ...and “Rates and Dates” could change anytime until we get to the banks/redemption centers.

RV Excerpts from the Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of Sat. 27 July 2024

Compiled Sat. 27 July 2024 12:01 am ESTby Judy Byington

Possible Timing:

Tues. 23 July 2024 The Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America was funded out of funds of the Global Currency Reset.

Global Currency Reset: Rumors/Opinions

Fri. 26 July 2024: Six planes (allegedly) loaded with owners of Trust Accounts took off from Washington DC on Thurs. headed to Reno Nevada. Another Trust Account Holder flew into Reno from Zurich.

Thurs. 25 July 2024 Wolverine: “The gates are (allegedly) opened! Certain platforms have been released, at least 4 to 5 of them in Brazil. Venezuela has released their own. Next week a (allegedly) huge platform will be released as well. Also hearing Asia to be released, now with liquid funds. Precatorious are pure liquid now and is releasing funds to the members. Bondholders are getting paid, and more people are getting notified.”

Thurs. 25 July 2024 Ginger’s Liberty Lounge: “A dear friend who is connected with plans in Zurich was just informed that they acquired a new Paymaster and to watch for their invitation email (for their group) later today.”

On Tues. 23 July 2024 the Re-inhabited Republic for These United States of America was(allegedly) funded.

Fri. 26 July BRICS Officially Announces New Financial System: https://watcher.guru/news/brics-officially-announces-financial-system-similar-to-swift


Global Financial Crisis:

FORD SHARES JUST HAD THE WORST DAY SINCE THE 2008/2009 FINANCIAL CRISIS CLOSING DOWN OVER 18%: https://x.com/gurgavin/status/1816567735738073218?s=46

BRICS Central Bank Hits 1Trillion in losses – what it means for the US Dollar: https://watcher.guru/news/brics-us-central-bank-hits-1t-in-losses-what-it-means-for-the-dollar


NESARA/ GESARA, Ben Fulford:

The NESARA / GESARA implements 20 fundamental changes / reforms to free humanity from the Cabal bankers and the controlled puppets, the Deep State Governments, study these 20 exciting here!!

NB. Not surprisingly, much disinformation about NESARA / GESARA can be found on the internet. Wikipedia’s article is total disinformation.

Dr. Harvey Francis Barnard’s NESARA bill—National Economic Stabilization and Recovery Act was rejected by congress in the 1990s.

Dr. Barnard was a systems philosopher and had tried for years to interest Congress in his monetary reform suggestions.

Read full post here: https://dinarchronicles.com/2024/07/27/restored-republic-via-a-gcr-update-as-of-july-27-2024/


Courtesy of Dinar Guru: https://www.dinarguru.com/

Jeff The budget...they're going to finish it probably just shortly before Iraq's accession to the World Trade which will be the weekend of August 17th and 18th. That accession period is the nucleus to everything right now. Everything is happening around that accession date.

SkyWalker Remember in 2003 when the old Swiss dinars were being exchanged for the new and current Iraqi dinar. The U.S. Army transported and distributed the currency throughout Iraq. The outgoing Swiss currency did not have three zeros. The new Iraqi dinar had three extra zeros because it lost value. Because Iraq was post invasion and the nation had no industries or other methods to sustain its economies. That is why the dollar was brought into Iraq by the U.S. government as a means to keep the Iraqi economy alive. Now, the situation has changed and through monetary policies the nation can justify restoring the value of the Iraqi dinar. Inflationary zeros were added to the notes back in 2003 by the U.S. government that paid for the printing of the Iraqi dinar. Now, the inflationary zeros will be removed because the government has met the requirements of the CBI.


'We Did It—Congratulations': David Schweikert Decries US Reaching $35 Trillion In National Debt

Forbes News: 7-26-2024

In a fiery speech on the House floor, Rep. David Schweikert (R-AZ) denounced the level of government spending, and lamented the massive amount of national debt the US has accrued.


There Is A Storm Brewing In Our Financial System

Lynette Zang: 7-26-2024

Today we are joined by one of my dearest friends George Gammon! We discuss a wide range of topics from monetary policy to the unrealized losses from the banks and what this all means for you and your money...


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Early Access — Dinar   Recaps (2024)


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Name: Edmund Hettinger DC

Birthday: 1994-08-17

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Hobby: Jogging, Metalworking, Tai chi, Shopping, Puzzles, Rock climbing, Crocheting

Introduction: My name is Edmund Hettinger DC, I am a adventurous, colorful, gifted, determined, precious, open, colorful person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.