Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (2024)

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (1)

Adele, an honorable knight of Grandis’ High Flora race, is a new warrior class that you can create in MapleStory who uses stunning Aetherial Swords.

Adele is a powerful STR stat based Hero of the Flora race. She uses Bladecasters as her Primary weapon and Bladebinder as her secondary. Adele has decent Mobbing and amazing Bossing.

What To Know Before You Make An Adele

So, you want to make an Adele? That’s a very good idea since they are an amazing class visually and mechanically to use. In KMS, when Adele was released, she was top of the DPM charts and even after the balance changes she was top tier.

The best way to do the most DPS and have full map control is to keep your flying swords up and constantly refill your Aether bar. She has great mobbing especially for a warrior class and excels in small and condensed maps. Adele really excels when it comes to bossing but it takes some learning to perfect.

One of Adele’s skills allows her to recover HP and MP every couple seconds which can save you a lot of potions.

Please note that Story Tutorial is required and not skippable for advancements and for getting your beginner skill, Unlocking Greatness, to max level 10 (at character lvl 200). Try to follow along with the story as it is a good one and because of the fact that you’ll need to answer some stuff when it comes to 5th job.

If you’re making an Adele during the Rise event, make sure to get to level 200 for the extra rewards.

Adele Primary and Secondary Weapons

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (2)
Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (3)

Adele comes with new weapons and they are called Bladecaster and Bladebinder. Primary and Secondary respectively.

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The Primary, Bladecaster, looks like a glove and pretty much won’t be seen as it acts like a transparent weapon.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (5)

The secondary, Bladebinder, looks like a bracelet.

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Adele Shared Cash Shop

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When it comes to the Cash Shop, the characters that are of the same Race can share NX Items and Cash Shop Items with each other.

Adele is a part of the Flora Race and shares her Cash Shop with :

  • Ark
  • Illium

Adele Link Skill

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (7)

Adele’s Link Skill is called Noble Fire which is considered one of the best when bossing with a party. If you’re Bossing by yourself, you’ll still gain a 5% increase.

Noble Fire

When you need to protect someone from powerful opponents, you gain the ability to exert additional strength. (max level: 2) (Link Skill)

  • Level 1: When you are in the same map as your party members, gain 1% damage per party member (including yourself), up to a maximum of 4%. If you don’t have a party, you will be treated as a party of 1. Increases your boss damage by 5%.
  • Level 2: When you are in the same map as your party members, gain 2% damage per party member (including yourself), up to a maximum of 8%. If you don’t have a party, you will be treated as a party of 1. Increases your boss damage by 5%.

Check out the Link skills Guide for Bossing and Training!

Adele Legion Effect

Adele’s Legion Effect is a flat Strength increase.

Strength (STR)

Rank BRank ARank SRank SSRank SSS

Rank SSS: Level 250

Rank SS: Level 200-249

Rank S: Level 140-199

Rank A: Level 100-139

Rank B: Level 60-99

Adele Best Inner Ability

When it comes to Adele, the best lines to get are, Boss Damage and Attack/Critical Rate. Boss Damage and Attack is really important when it comes to Adele since she her skills allow for insane single target damage. The 3rd line can be whatever you feel is necessary in the moment whether it is Critical Rate or some Meso/Drop if you need.

Adele V Matrix and Perfect Boost Nodes

When it comes to Adele’s V Matrix the staples to get would be the 5th job skills and Sharp Eyes or Holy Symbol for training/bossing.

Adele only needs 4 slots which means 2 perfect trios. The main Trio that is used most often is Aether Forge, Hunting Decree, and Cleave. These are your main attacking skills that you will be doing everything with.

The second Trio is Magical Dispatch, Reign of Destruction, and Aether Bloom.

Adele Skills ~ 1st to 5th Job

Adele’s Skill Build is easy since you should just max out all skills. But, if you want to know which ones to upgrade first, that will depend on your links and legion. If you’ve got good stat boosts from links, you might want to go with upgrading buffs and stat boosts. If you still need some help, check out my skill build order.

Adele Skill Build

This build focuses on simplicity and getting to a point of killing mobs with 1 hit. This is why I put less importance on Imaple and Resonance Rush. Also, Cleave is the only mobbing skill you’ll need once you get it. So you can get rid of Eviscerate and Skewering after you obtain Cleave.

Adele 1st Job Max Order

First get 1 point in Blade of Will and Magical Dispatch

  1. Jaunt
  2. Martial Discipline
  3. Blade of Will
  4. Magical Dispatch
  5. High Rise

Adele 2nd Job Max Order

Get 1 point in Skewering, Aether Forge, and Aetherial Arms

  1. Aether Forge
  2. Aetherial Arms
  3. Bladecaster Control
  4. Elite Training
  5. Weave Infusion
  6. Skewering
  7. Imaple
  8. Resonance Rush
  9. Will to Live

Adele 3rd Job Max Order

Get 1 point in Eviscerate, Hunting Decree, Reign of Destruction

  1. Hunting Decree
  2. Ascent
  3. Eviscerate
  4. Reign of Destruction
  5. Feather Float
  6. Tolerance
  7. Noble Summons
  8. True Nobility

Adele 4th Job Max Order

Get 1 point in Cleave and Aether Bloom

  1. Ruination
  2. Perfection
  3. Strive
  4. Bladecaster Expertise
  5. Cleave
  6. Aether Bloom
  7. Plummet (combos well with Impale and Resonance Rush)
  8. Grave Proclamation
  9. Hero of Flora
  10. Aether Guard
  11. Floran Hero’s Will

Adele 5th Job Max Skills

When it comes to 5th Job, you want to make sure to max out your perfect boost nodes. Adele’s perfect boost nodes include:

  • Magical Dispatch
  • Aether Forge
  • Cleave
  • Hunting Decree
  • Reign of Destruction
  • Aether Bloom

When it comes to other 5th job actives, you’ll want to level up,

Decent Holy Symbol, Decent Sharp Eyes, Decent Speed Infusion, Weapon Aura, Goddess Blessing, Ruin, Infinity Blade, and Legacy Restoration

Since maxing skills for the 5th job are highly dependent on farming nodes, make sure either have a farming character or have drop gear on your Adele.

Adele Hyper Skills

These are the Passive skills that I think are best on Adele.

Passive Skills

Trigger – Reinforce

Trigger – Guardbreak

Trigger – Boss Rush

Reign of Destruction – Persist

Aether Bloom – Cooldown Cutter


Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (8)

Artistic Recall: Return to Ristonia, the city of art. Max Level 1

Lv. 1: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 600 seconds.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (9)

Recalling Greatness: Increases Critical Damage and Attack Power. Max Level 10

Lv. 10: Critical Damage: +10%, Attack Power: +10%.

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Exclusive Spell: Increases the Attack Power and Magic ATT of all nearby characters. Max Level 1

Lv. 1: MP Cost: 30, Attack Power: +4%, Duration: 40 minutes, Cooldown: 2 hours.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (11)

Magic Conversion: Using their wings as a magical conduit, the Flora can convert between Attack Power and Magic ATT to bolster their own power. Max Level 1

Lv. 1: 35% of equipment’s Magic Attack is converted to Attack Power, excluding your weapon. Any set effects do not apply. Only converts up to 15% of your weapon’s base Attack Power.

1st Job

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (12)

Blade of Will: Creates a sword from magic that slashes in front of you. Max Level 20

Lv. 20: MP Cost: 12, Damage: 85%, Max Enemies Hit: 5, Number of Attacks: 4.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (13)

Magic Dispatch: Creates a magical shard that hunts down an enemy. Unaffected by attack reflection. Max Level 20 Max level required to learn Aetherial Arms.

Lv. 20: MP Cost: 20, Damage: 80%, Max Enemies Hit: 1 per Magical Shards, Number of Attacks: 3, Magical Shards: 5, Cooldown: 6 seconds.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (14)

Jaunt: Leap once more while already in the air. Can move upward by pressing the Up key at the same time. Max Level 5

Lv. 5: MP Cost: 5.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (15)

High Rise: Steel your mind to project magic, suspending you in the air for a short time and allowing you to use aerial skills. Max Level 1

Lv. 1: MP Cost: 20.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (16)

Martial Discipline: Reinforces the foundations of a warrior. Max Level 19

Lv. 19: Attack Power: +30, Defense: +200, MaxHP: +1000, Speed: +10, Jump: +10, Knockback Resistance: +60%, Damage Taken: -10%.

2nd Job

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (17)

Aether Weaving: Refine magic from around you to be used for special Aether Swords. Max Level 1

Lv. 1: Obtain 15 Aether at regular intervals, obtain 10 Aether when Trigger skill hits. Max Aether Obtained: 300. When Aether Forge is active, every 100 Aether can create 2 Aether Swords. Max Aether Swords: 4.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (18)

Aether Crystal: Attacking with the Aether Sword sometimes gathers the surrounding energy into crystals. Max Level 1

Lv. 1: Duration: 30 seconds, Max Aether Swords: 7, Cooldown: 4 seconds.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (19)

Skewering: [Trigger Skill] Creates multiple longswords that strike to the front. Max Level 20

Lv. 20: MP Cost: 25, Damage: 80%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 8.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (20)

Impale: Creates an Aether Sword that can be launched in 8 directions depending on the directional key pressed. Max Level 10

Lv. 10: MP Cost: 45, Aether Cost: 15, Damage: 85%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 6, Cooldown: 7 seconds.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (21)

Resonance Rush: Creates a large Aether Sword that resonates with a nearby Aether Crystal, causing you to rush towards the crystal. Max Level 10

Lv. 10: Damage: 120%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 6. If total enemies hit is lower than the max, additional 15% is added to the final damage for each enemy below the max. When attack hits, a buff triggers for 30 seconds that increases final damage by 5% and Enemy DEF Ignored by 5%. Stack: 3.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (22)

Weave Infusion: Uses MP to increase the attack speed of your Bladecaster by 2 levels for a short time. Max Level 10

Lv. 10: MP Cost: 10, Increases attack speed of Bladecaster for 200 seconds.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (23)

Aether Forge: Creates a number of Aether Swords around your body using all available Aether. Max Level 10 Max Level required to learn Hunting Decree.

Lv. 10: When Trigger Skill hits, deal 200% damage up to 10 enemies every 12 seconds. Upon advancing to 3rd and 4th Job, cooldown reduced by 3 seconds each. Number of Attacks: 2 per Aether Sword. When attack hits, 100% chance to create an Aether Crystal. Cooldown: 0.5 seconds.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (24)

Aetherial Arms: Automatically creates shards when attacking. Max Level 10

Lv. 10: When Trigger Skill hits, create shards every 8 seconds, consume 25 MP upon creation. Shard Damage: +30%, Cooldown: 0.5 seconds.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (25)

Bladecaster Control: Increases Bladecaster Mastery and Attack Power. Max Level 10 Max Level required to learn Bladecaster Expertise.

Lv. 10: Bladecaster Mastery: +50%, Attack Power: +30.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (26)

Will to Live: Learn the necessary qualities for survival. Max Level 9

Lv. 9: Every 5seconds, restores 4% of MaxHP/MaxMP.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (27)

Elite Training: Train your Strength to become ever more powerful. Max Level 5

Lv. 5: STR +60.

3rd Job

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (28)

Hunting Decree: Issues a command to Aether Swords created with Aether Forge to pursue the enemy. Max Level 20 Max Level required to learn Aether Bloom and Grave Proclamation.

Lv. 20: MP Cost: 40, Aether Cost: 100. For each Aether Sword, Duration: 20 seconds, Damage: 240%, Number of Attacks: 2. Can command up to 4 swords. When you exceed the max number and a command is given, the Aether Sword with the least duration left vanishes. When attack hits, 15% chance to create Aether Crystal. Cooldown: 0.5 seconds.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (29)

Noble Summons: Issues an order to Aether Swords affected by Hunting Decree to return. Max Level 20

Lv. 20: MP Cost: 50, Damage: 260%, Max Enemies Hit: 10, Number of Attacks: 4. Enemies that are struck receive a debuff for 30 seconds, and Enemy DEF Ignored is increased by 10% for attacks from Adele on these enemies. When attack hits, 40% chance to create an Aether Crystal. Obtain 20 Aether for each Aether Sword that strikes during Noble Summons. Cooldown: 12 seconds.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (30)

Eviscerate: [Trigger Skill] Conjures 2 longswords that slash in a cross. Max Level 20

Lv. 20: MP Cost: 35, Damage: 220%, Number of Attacks: 6, Max Enemies Hit: 6.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (31)

Reign of Destruction: Summons countless swords across a large area. Max Level 20

Lv. 20: MP Cost: 120, Territory Duration: 7 seconds, Damage: 100%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 4. The sword turns when the duration ends, attacking an additional 12 times dealing 550% damage up to 12 enemies. Cooldown: 30 seconds.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (32)

Feather Float: Float back like a feather and remain aloft for a short time. Max Level 4

Lv. 4: MP Cost: 46, Aether Cost: 20. Cooldown: 6 seconds.

Passive Effect: Speed: +5, Jump: +10, Max Speed: +10.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (33)

True Nobility: Summon up your noble spirit to sacrifice for your allies. Max Level 10

Lv. 10: MP Cost: 200, Creates a spirit field for 20 seconds. Receive 30% of the damage dealt to party members inside the field and create a shield equal to 80% of that damage. Cooldown: 180 seconds.

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Ascent: Grow ever more powerful in the quest to improve yourself. Max Level 20

Lv. 20: Attack Power: +30, Final Damage: +25%, Critical Rate: +20%, Shard Damage: +115%, Creation Damage: +245%, Impale Damage: +100%, Resonance Damage: +125%.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (35)

Tolerance: Develop a tolerance to various and sundry dangers. Max Level 10

Lv. 10: Knockback Resistance: +40%, MaxHP: +10%, Status Resistance: +30, Elemental Resistance: +30%, Damage Taken: -20%.

4th Job

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Aether Mastery: Discover a new level of Aether control. Max Level 1

Lv. 1: Max Aether Obtained: 400. Increases max Aether Swords that can be created with Aether Forge and commanded with Hunting Decree by 6. Increases Final Damage by 15% when 6 Aether Swords are created with Aether Forge.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (37)

Aether Bloom: Releases a bloom of magic from each Hunting Decree sword. Max Level 30 Max Level required to learn the Hyper Skill Blade Torrent.

Lv. 30: MP Cost: 80. For each Aether Sword, Damage: 650%, Max Enemies Hit: 8, Number of Attacks: 8. If one enemy gets hit by Aether Bloom multiple times, the skill’s final damage on that enemy is reduced by 25%. When attack hits, 50% chance to create Aether Crystal. Cooldown: 20 seconds.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (38)

Cleave: [Trigger Skill] Creates a massive sword to cut enemies ahead of you. Max Level 30

Lv. 30: MP Cost: 40, Damage: 425%, Number of Attacks: 6, Max Enemies Hit: 7.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (39)

Grave Proclamation: Mark enemies for annihilation with a cursed sword, making them a prime target for your Aether Swords. Max Level 20 Max level required to learn Infinity Blade.

Lv. 20: MP Cost: 150, Damage: 800%, Enemies Hit: 1, Number of Attacks: 10. Increases damage to enemy with mark of death by 20%, and ignores additional 10% defense rate. If there is an enemy with the mark within the attack range of Hunting Decree or Infinity Blade, the attack will focus on that enemy. Cooldown: 90 seconds.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (40)

Plummet: [Trigger Skill] Wrap your body in potent magic and dive upon your foes. Max Level 20

Lv. 20: MP Cost: 45, Damage: 550%, Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 6, Cooldown: 1.5 seconds.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (41)

Aether Guard: Shields you with spinning Aether Swords to block the enemy attacks and reduce damage. Max Level 20

Lv. 20: MP Cost: 150. Key can be held for up to 8 seconds. Damage taken while key is held, including attacks that deal damage in proportion to Max HP, is reduced by 40%. If you use the moment you are attacked, you are invincible for 4 seconds and the damage is blocked. When the skill ends, cooldown is reduced by 4 seconds for each second remaining from holding the key. Cooldown: 60 seconds.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (42)

Hero of the Flora: Temporarily increases the stats of all party members. Max Level 30

Lv. 30: MP Cost: 70. Duration: 900 seconds. Increases all stats assigned APs by 15%.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (43)

Floran Hero’s Will: Hones your resolve to ignore certain abnormal status effects. Immune to Abnormal Status for 3 seconds after use. Max Level 5

Lv. 5: MP Cost: 30, Cooldown: 360 seconds.

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Bladecaster Expertise: Increases Bladecaster Mastery and Attack Power. Max Level 30

Lv. 30: Bladecaster Mastery: +70%, Attack Power: +30.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (45)

Perfection: Perfects your technique through rigorous training. Max Level 30

Lv. 30: Shard Damage: +225%, Creation Damage: +570%, Impale Damage: +200%, Resonance Damage: +265%, Order Damage: +120%, Gathering Damage: +300%, Territory Damage: +300%

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Ruination: Master a powerful attack that blows past enemy defenses. Max Level 20

Lv. 20: Final Damage: +30%, Enemy DEF Ignored: +20%

Strive: Reach the level of a master through constant battle. Max Level 20

Lv. 20: Attack Power: +30, Boss Damage: +10%, Critical Rate: +20%, Max HP: +15%

Hyper Skills


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Trigger – Reinforce: (Req. Lv. 140) Increases damage of Trigger skills.
Damage: +20%.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (48)

Trigger – Guardbreak: (Req. Lv. 150) Increases the amount of enemy DEF Trigger skills ignored.
Ignore Defense: +20%.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (49)

Trigger – Boss Rush: (Req. Lv. 180) Increases Boss Damage of Trigger skills.
Boss Damage: +20%.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (50)

Resonance Rush – Efficiency: (Req. Lv. 140) Generates Aether when Aether Crystals vanish after Resonance Rush, and Impale no longer consumes Aether.
Obtain 20 Aether when Aether Crystal is used for Resonance Rush. Does not consume Aether when using Impale.

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Reign of Destruction – Persist: (Req. Lv. 165) Increases duration of Reign of Destruction.
Duration: + 4 seconds.

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Aether Blossom – Cooldown Cutter: (Req. Lv. 180) Reduces the cooldown of Aether Bloom.
Cooldown: -25%.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (53)

Will to Live – Aura Reinforce: (Req. Lv. 150) Increases Will to Live recovery.
Recovery Ratio: +3%, additive to existing recovery.

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True Nobility – Shield Reinforce: (Req. Lv. 165) Reinforces the shield created by True Nobility.
Increases shield amount created in proportion to damage by 350%.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (55)

Aether Guard – Persist: (Req. Lv. 190) Increases invincibility duration when blocking attacks.
Invincibility Duration: +1 second.


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Shardbreaker: (Req. Lv. 140) Fill the shard with magic to make it grow and then shatter.

Lv. 1: MP Cost: 250, creates a shard in the location of up to 7 enemies. For each shard that is created and shattered, Damage: 1000%, Max Enemies Hit: 7, Number of Attacks: 3. If all of the shards attack only 1 enemy, final damage of Shardbreaker is increased by 300%. If total enemies struck is lower than the max, it creates up to 5 shards in random locations. After shards shatter, it creates up to 5 Aether Crystals. Cooldown: 60 seconds.

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Blade Torrent: (Req. Lv. 160) Attack with countless magic swords that overwhelm enemies.

Lv. 1: MP Cost: 300, Damage: 1000%,Max Enemies Hit: 6, Number of Attacks: 12, Stun Duration: 10 seconds, Stun Duration: +100% depending on damage inflicted with Blade Torrent. Cooldown: 180 seconds

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (58)

Divine Wrath: (Req. Lv. 190) Borrows strength from the ancient god of the Flora.

Lv. 1: MP Cost: 100, Damage: +10%, Duration: 60 seconds, Cooldown: 120 seconds. Applies to any Flora class in the party.

5th Job

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Ruin: Summons the ancient sword of destruction to cause a massive collapse. Max Level 25

Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1000, Damage: 750%, Max Enemies Hit: 15, Number of Attacks: 6, Activation: 12 times. After it’s summoned, an additional sword deals 1350% damage 9 times and activates 8 times. Cooldown: 60 seconds.

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Infinity Blade: Creates a space filled with countless Aether Swords. Max Level 25

Lv. 25: MP Cost: 1000, invincible during casting and disarmament, Damage: 1050%, Number of Attacks: 2, Aether Swords Count: 20, Duration: 30 seconds. On successful hits, 5% chance to create an Aether Crystal. Cooldown 180 seconds.

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Legacy Restoration: Temporarily restores the lost magical conduit and the enchanted wings of the past. Max Level 25

Lv. 25: Damage: 2700%, Aether Obtained: 40%, Duration: 30 seconds, +2 Aether Swords that can be commanded with Hunting Decree. 2% of maxMP will be consumed every second while casting and after casting. Periodically spreads enchanted wings to attack 6 mobs with 2700% damage 3 times and restores 14% of max HP for you and your party members. Cooldown: 180 seconds.

Adele Class Guide and Skill Build – MapleStory Reboot | The Digital Crowns (2024)


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Author: Dean Jakubowski Ret

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Name: Dean Jakubowski Ret

Birthday: 1996-05-10

Address: Apt. 425 4346 Santiago Islands, Shariside, AK 38830-1874

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Job: Legacy Sales Designer

Hobby: Baseball, Wood carving, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Lacemaking, Parkour, Drawing

Introduction: My name is Dean Jakubowski Ret, I am a enthusiastic, friendly, homely, handsome, zealous, brainy, elegant person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.